17 - Cherry Cola

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"He's important to me." His voice bounced off of the walls in the underground parking lot. It was empty, silent apart from the steady downpour outside. Fluorescent lights spilt their inhuman glow across the wet cement. Her red shoes glistened in the glow, she tilted her head, sighing threw her nose in irritation. Her long black hair caught around her finger as she spun it. 

"I can't help you with that."

"Yua, you deleted the messages didn't you."

Her chest thumped, the familiar flush of guilt bloomed against the nape of her neck. 

"...... I didn't."

"Don't lie to me."

"I had to. It could of jeopardised everything."

"NO! If you hadn't deleted those messages then the one person i care for more than anything wouldn't be lying in hospital." She had never heard him so angry, so visibly shaken after a fight that if anything, was nothing compared to those he'd been up against in the past. 

"He Tian, more people care about you than you realise."

"Yua." The words dripped with sarcasm and fury. He stepped closer, she kept her cool. Meeting his eyes with mutual disagreement. "Touch my phone again, or anything that belongs to me and I'll rip you apart."

"Thats not very pleasant." She replied smoothly, she dropped the piece of hair latched around her finger. 

"Don't interfere with me again, don't so much as look at me or speak to me again." 

"How am i supposed to help you now?"

"Your not, when the time comes i will return. But for now let me have my freedom."

"I'll pass it on." She stopped and glanced back, his steel cold eyes trained against hers, " but your running out of time."


"Ah..fuck" Mo Guanshan bit his lip, the pain from his throbbing ribs was unavoidable, he tightened his grip around He Tians neck as he was gently lowered onto his bed.

"Sorry babe," 

Mo Guanshan had been discharged earlier that morning and with the help of he tian had arrived home mostly unscathed, until He tian had carried him to his room whilst groping his ass unnecessarily. 

"does It hurt a lot?"

" yes you twat." Mo growled, ignoring his boyfriends deep chuckle, his body felt beaten and broken. His head hurt, his mouth was dry and his neck tickled.

"My head hurts." He mumbled

"I'll get you some paracetamol honey, " his mother hurried to his side, she had a shift at her job in a few minutes and mo didn't want her to miss it.

"Its fine Aunty, I'll take care of him, you dont need to worry." He Tian smiled already knowing what his boyfriend wanted. Mo Guanshan mother stood up, she kissed her sons forehead.

"Thank you for everything, ill be sure to pay you back for the hospital fees." 

He Tian didn't bother to tell her not too, Guanshan earned his stubbornness from her. The front door closing broke the silence. The house remained silent, Mo Guanshan soft breathing calmed Tian as he knelt close to him. He brushed his cheek, shans long lashes fascinated him, they seemed long enough to tangle together and glow in the sunlight. 

"He Tian..." 


"Where did you go last night?" Shan asked, his fingers curled around his bedcovers.

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