16 - Her

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In this world, lies and secrets are the only things stitching us together.


Huff .... huff

She li fell to his knees, he struggled to inhale air as he clasped his chest. Averting his eyes from the shoes in front of him he hurled his stomachs contents. Its was nothing more than a watery liquid. Wiping the sweat from his brow he clung to wall. His body reeked of blood.

"Didn't i tell you to play it safe." The voice irritated she li beyond relief. He spat vomit and blood to the floor and rose unsteadily to his feet.

"I don't need you to fucking control me." He hissed, his words broken up with short pants for air. 

"I'm not trying to control you, you should understand the situation you're in already." Cigarette smoke curled the air, the shoes tapped impatiently against the ground.

"I wasn't looking for a favour." She li grasped his chest, his yellow eyes reflected against the pool of water at his feet.

"I know you weren't." The shoes moved closer, a hand clamped around his jaw.

"The situation here is tense, i see that you cannot control yourself." The voice rumbled close and pricked something sharp in she li's mind.

"I don't want your help." The hand tightened, he averted his gaze. Hurting other people bought him pleasure, but being the one now at mercy. He hated the feeling of being looked down upon. 

"I trust that when the time comes you will need my help." The cigarette floated to the ground. "But for now i suggest you don't piss him off any further."

The shoes tapped away, the cigarette met its end as it reached the water and drifted close to his feet. Panting he reached out and clasped it's hot end. Although it burnt he forced himself to feel the pain. 



"Stop pacing He Tian, you're going to run a hole through the floor." Jian yi snapped, he rested his head against the back of the plastic hospital chairs and peered at a sleeping Zhan Zheng xi. He had tried to drown out the pacing with a pillow, eventually falling asleep. Shifting himself forwards jian yi glowered at a restless He Tian pace back and forth. They had arrived at the hospital a few hours back. Mo Guanshan had been placed under Opioid but according to the doctors he would be discharged the next morning. His ribs were bruised and he had concussion but he would recover quickly. 

That still didn't stop He Tian from worrying. He forced himself to stop and glance unconsciously at the open windows. The sky was purple and swollen, it looked ready to burst. 

"I'm getting de ja vu." Jian yi mumbled, scratching his chin. His eyes flicked to guanshan peacefully sleeping. His soft red hair had been pushed back, a damp cloth cooled his head. His hand lay outstretched, moments ago his mother held it. 

"He tian, please do not worry, I'm sure he'll be fine." She had  stood up, " i will not have to worry about him when i know you are there for him." 

She had left almost an hour ago, still Mo hadn't woken. The 4 boys had secured a place amongst a ramen store that Jian yi and Zhan Zheng xi often vistited. From their they had called an ambulance, the police had interviewed them but as mo had collapsed no one knew who the culprits were. Except the three did, well, they had made a pretty  good assumption. 

"That she li bastard." Jian yi muttered for the fourth time, his eyes flicked to the bandage around Mo's neck. It did little to hide the perfect set of oval teeth marks that had shredded his skin. 

"Hmm." He Tian paused his pacing, he moved closer to the bed. Kneeling down he rested his hand against Shans cheek and stroked the bridge of his bruised nose. Mo shifted in his sleep, he lifted his hand. It trembled with the exertion required to move, He Tian clasped his hand firmly around the smaller one. He bit his lip, tilting his head away.

"Don't...cry." Mo's voice was unbelievably thin and ragged. 

"Im far from crying don't close mountain." He tian chuckled.

"Yeah yeah." He smiled.

"REDHEAD!" Jian yi sprung forwards completely ignoring He Tians glare.

"Shut up idiot ." Mo huffed

"Your alive." Jian yi sobbed throwing his arms around him, a hand shot out and yanked him back. 

"Don't ruin the moment" grumbled Zhan, he yanked the startled teen back into his plastic hospital issued chair. 

"Lets go and get some food." He stood up abruptly tugging jian yi after him.

"Well... their right, they did ruin the moment." He Tian smirked.

"Shut up chicken dick." Mo Guanshan rested his head against the pillow. Gently He Tian traced the bruises across his brash face. His fingers brushed down his nose to his split lip. Leaning in he pressed his lips softly against shans. 

"Shan.... please tell me who did this to you."

Mo turned his head away to face the ceiling.

"It doesn't matter." He replied curtly, although he wished to tell his boyfriend, he knew He Tian would kill she li without hesitation.

".... it was she li wasn't it." He clenched his fist.

Mos eyes flicked to He Tian, he sat bent forwards, shoulders slumped. His back tensed and his hands secured firmly in front. Squeezing so tight they turned white.

"Don't do anything."


"Please Tian. How can i be with you if your in prison. Don't do anything. Just... just wait for me." Mo shifted, trying to hide his face. Tears dripped down his cheek. Startled He Tian leant back. 

"It.... i dont think it was just she li." The words were barely uttered from his lips before he felt a hand grab his bruised arm.


"I think..... i think someone from..." he couldn't say it. You're family.

"Shit." He Tian stood up, running his fingers messily threw his hair. He wasn't surprised, of course his father would target someone precious to him. A hand clasped his. Warm and firm.he squeezed it back. Closing his eyes briefly, he brushed the tears away from Shan's amber eyes, planting a warm kiss against his lips he drew back.

"I have something to take care of."

"... He Tian." 

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill anyone just yet. How am i supposed to see you naked from behind bars?"

"Pervert." Mo grumbled.

Chuckling he ruffled his ginger locks. He wasn't lying. He just needed more time. 

"Brings back memories eh?"

"Don't think I didn't notice you groping my dick bastard."

He tian suppressed  a snort of laughter, he retrieved his bag. Rain had begun to crumble from  the heavens, slashing against the windows and drowning the streets. He left Mo in the care of zhan and Jian yi, much to Mo's angry dismay. He didn't want to leave the angry redhead, but he needed to take care of a few things first. 

Outside the hospital, he calmed his anger just a little. The rain cooled his body. Light footsteps brought his attention back to earth with a plummet as he swivelled to meet her.


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