7- sweet tea

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Mo guan shans mother, dropped the small grocery bags onto the table, and sighed pleasantly as she rearranged her scarf. It was early in the morning and the bitter cold air had burnt her cheeks and ears. Taking off her coat she peered down the hallway.

"Shan?" She called, it was unlike him to still be asleep at that hour, especially with the amount of jobs he had, but with no answer she smiled. He needed a rest. As she counted the cartons from the grocery bag she turned to footsteps.

"ive bought us some milk but we're going to have to be quite tight on it..." turning she dropped the milk carton in shock.

'Who Are you?"


2 hours previously.

Mo rolled over, he was freezing. The thermometer had broken leaving him shivering in a bundle of blankets. His mother was working over time, she wouldn't be back by the morning, he was glad that she would at lest be in some warmth. Nuzzling deeper into the blancket let's he was awoken by someone pounding on his door, startled he sat up, his ginger hair tousled. Wiping saliva he slid off the bed and crept through the hallway. It was about 3 am according to his phone. Groaning internally at the fucker who had woken him up, he peered though the letter box. He saw a familiar pair of joggers with yellow striped up the side. 

"What the hell Tian!" Shan threw open the door furious. forgetting that Tian had Been beaten up no less than 3 hours earlier. Sniffling, he peered through swollen sleepy eyes. at first he just stared at the large bruise on Tians jaw, then his eyes widened. grabbing Tians arm he dragged him through the door, nervously peering out on the quiet streets. slamming the door he  turned around. 

"are you ok? what happened?" Mo cried tugging on his t shirt. smiling Tian cupped Mos face, leaning in he nuzzles in Shans neck, breathing in the sweet smell.


"I missed you." 

annoyed Mo pushed Tian back, smiling He Tian surveyed the small room, the kitchen and living room were conjoined, a battered tv faced an equally battered couch covered in hand sewn pillows. the kitchen was spotlessly bare. but the house was clean and smelt of lemons and tea. 

"tian, it 3 am in the fucking morning, the fuck is wrong with you?"

"i was lonely." Poured tian, smiling he wrapped his arms around the grumbling red head. In fact reality had checked out and he had been terrified for the little red ball of fluff.He had wanted to ensure his safety. And he certainly missed Shan. 

"I'm sleepy." He mumbled in mos shoulder.

'Of fucking course you twat." Snapped Shan, sighing he flicked tians forhead. He was tired. Glancing at the couch he groaned, it was too late to set something up, anyway he would feel awful making tian sleep there covered in bruises.

'Come on." 

"where are we going?"

'To sleep you chicken dick."

Smiling Tian hurried after Shan. The bed was a lot smaller than his. Smirking he slyly glanced at the distracted rehead. 

"I'm sleeping with you." Tian purred.

'Shut it, you are but you can't touch me ok?" Flushed mo. Nodding Tian respected the boy, he wouldn't touch him. Well...he would. But only a little, mo allowed tian to lie down first, tian suspected this was so mo was on the open side of the bed where he could escape. 

The room lapsed into quiet silence, although neither boy were sleeping it felt peaceful.  Closing his eyes mo drifted into a dream like state, he found himself rolling over, his nose inches from a familiar warmth. Finally he could fucking sleep.

A crash jolted him awake, sitting up he glanced to the side of the bed where a ebbing warmth was slowly fading. He Tian was gone. Stumbling up he rushed out fo the room, his red hair sticking up oddly, balling his fist he burst into the kitchen, preparing to defend his mother from unwanted visitors. Instead he Tian lent down picking up a bottle of milk and his mother in a chair chuckling slightly as Tian spoke calmly. 

Both looked up to see a bewildered mo in nothing more than a t-shirt and pants. There was a questionable silence. 

"What the hell Tian! What happened? I heard a crash and thought..." he was struggling to over come his racing heart. 

"It's nothing to worry about honey, i dropped the milk." His mother smiled warmly. "However i would like an explanation please young man, I've always told you that i will respect and lover your significant other, who ever that might be but i would have least like a warning." 

"I'm sorry ma." Mo flushed red.

"Are you too....dating?"

"Yes." Mo said without hesitation his face burning up now.  He Tian glanced at Shan, he wasnt sure how to put this. But should they really be telling people? His father found out Shan would only become a target.

"I'm glad to hear that.. i hope you boys are using protection."

"Oh my god ma. We're...we're not..please just don't say things like that!" Mo had gone bright red, Tian relished in this new found knowledge and decided this was the best place to be. 

"Alright, alright. I just want you to be safe baby. Ok? Now who wants tea?"

"I would love some." Tian smiled, he watched as Mo's mothers opened the cabinets which were most entirely bare. Shocked tian found his eyes drawn around the kitchen. It was...empty. He would need to talk to Momo about this sooner or later. 

"But first mo guan Shan put some clothes on!" 

Embarrassed mo hurried back to the room, Tian trailing behind. 

"Quite staring at me." He grumbled as he pulled on a pair of jogggers.

"I'm just admiring your legs, they're very....girly."

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HE TIAN!" Mo hit him over the head but was deflected easily and they both toppled to the ground. Mo on top.

"Are you trying to seduce me Momo?" Smirked Tian.

"Fuck me" Mo muttered, annoyed.

"Thats the long term goal babe." Tian smirked unsurprisingly  having heard what mo just said. Standing up Shan dusted him self down.

"Tea's ready!" Mos mother called from down the hall. Mo turned to go but was stopped by Tian who pulled him close, their lips brushed together. Tian slipping his tongue gently into mos mouth, swirling and exploring the soft underside of his tongue and the rough inside of his cheek. 

Pulling back he wiped saliva from Shans bottom lip and smirked.

"Shut it chicken dick." Mo grumbled. His face flushed, eyes erotic and filled with longing. 

"I cant promise anything ." Tian murmured  his voice low and husky.


"I asked you to keep an eye on him, now he is refusing to join us." 

"I think i have found a solution, meet she li. He knows a lot more about He Tian than we do."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The same for you."

"I'm happy to work for you but I want something in return."

"We will pay you if that's what you want."

"No, i want something else...."

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