3 - confessions

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could you hold my hand?- I'm hurting and there's no one here.


He Tian stood outside Mo guan shans classroom, arms folded, waiting for the class period to end. He had been surprised after Mo's sudden outburst. the kiss...ah the kiss. The kiss had bought up feelings that He Tian had buried. Mo's lips were soft and sweet like tea, he had smelt of grass and lemons. It had been so overwhelming that he had drawn back, drawn away. said a few things he regretted. He had hoped that Mo's fury would subsided, but after extensive phone calls he realised he had fucked up. big time.

the day was in contrast to the last, the sky blue. the sun baking the pavements. He needed to speak to Mo. the bell jolted him from his thoughts, he stood straighter and prepared himself to leap upon the redhead within first eye contact.

"He Tian?"

Turning at the mention of his name he came face to face with Yua, her face framed with black hair. She smiled upon catching his attention.

"Ah Yua I'm kind of busy."

"Really, your just standing here?" She steps closer to He Tian, flashing him her smile. Reaching out her hand brushed his arm.

"I'm waiting for someone." He Tian glanced questionably back at the class room door as it emptied of students. Trialing out, almost at the very back, was Mo. His red hair looked brazen in the summer heat. A frown cast across his face.

He Tian locked eyes with Mo. For a fraction of a second he thought mo was going to stop, to talk to him. But that was quickly cast aside when Mo swiftly pushed past Yua a formidable expression cast towards the pair.

Fuck. He Tian yanked his arm from Yuas grip and gave chase to Mo down the hallway.

Mo walked fast, his heart rapidly thumping after seeming He Tians face. Something about Tians expression had mad him flustered. Shame cursed along his body. He had sworn to himself that he wouldn't mix with that bastard. Glancing back he could make out He Tian being surrounded by a fit of girls, Yua still close by. Fuming he turned around.

Outside, behind the school Block, Mo breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed he had made it out without interacting with He Tian. But his thoughts were swiftly cast aside when he came face to face with She Li.

"This is a rare meeting." She li lent closer, cornering the red head. Mo sighed, he did not want to fight with she li this late in the day.

"What do you want?"

"Im surprised your not with that bastard He Tian."

"Fuck off she li."

Mo shoved She li back, briskly walking away. A hand grabbed his throat and the air was knocked from his lungs as he was slammed to the earth. Wriggling Mo kicked and flailed. She Li swung at Mos jaw, an audible crack and Mo cried out in pain.

She Li raised his fist again, yellow eyes wild with violent fury.

"That's very rude She Li." He Tian towered above, anger pulsed off his body. Yanking she li's arm back, she li toppled off. He Tian didn't hesitate to punch. Blood dripped from She li's nose. He staggered back.

"You fucking bastard!" She li reared forward, his hand forming a fist as it made to collide with He Tians head. Tian grabbed the fist, leaned close.

"Fuck off she li."


Mo had not been planning on coming back to He Tians house. But He Tian hadn't spoken a word since their arrival. Sunlight dipped across the floor, splashing He Tians face as he lit yet another cigarette and lent back.

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