15 - band aid

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30 minutes ago...

Jian yi swept his hands along the desk, his cheek rested against his arm. Eyes solely focused on Zhan who sat beside him working. The two had begun working side by side on jian yi' s desk but already jian had given up. He rolled a pink rubber between his thumb and forefinger, occasionally Xi would pluck it from his grip to rub out his writing. His book was flawless, notes arranged in neat rows, carefully highlighted with the same colour , his handwriting was neat and aligned peferctly. In contrast Jian yi's book consisted of messy scrawls of writing, highlighting of various colours and not necessarily on the important parts either, just when and where he felt like it. If he could he would have highlighted his whole book. Smudged drawing peppered the margins, most of them consisted of zhan Zheng xi, occasionally one of He Tian taking a shit and a red circle that jian yi insisted was mo guanshan. Zhan Zheng xi just had to take his word for it. 

"You should focus." Zhans voice was soft, as it always was around his best friend. His Grey blue eyes caught hold of Jian's. He hesitantly reached out and patted his hair. Fingers curling amongst the soft silver complexion.

"I'm good." Jian yi mumbled back, his eyes never left Zhans face. It seemed to glow in the sunlight, his head tilted forwards, chin resting on his open palm, eyes drawing lines amongst the work, his lips moved ever so slightly. The ghost of the words he read found themselves imprinted across his lips. He met Jian's stare. 

The quite calm was interrupted by jian yi' s ridiculously loud ringtone. He ignored it and tried to recreate the calm before. Zhan was having none of it, he smacked jian yi on the head and hissed at him to answer his phone. 

"Fine fine." Jian yi grumbled, pouting he retrieved his phone from amongst the textbooks and peered at the ID. Redhead.


"Fuck.. wrong number."

"Rude. Mo Guanshan shouldn't you be in class?" Jian yi patiently waited for a response, He got nothing. 

"Guanshan?" Still silence, he could hear his voice echoing off from the other side. Abruptly there came a cough, the sound of someone shifting then a whimper. 

"REDHEAD?!"He roared, standing up so fast he knocked over his chair. 

"Shut up you... idiot."  The words were too hoarse, too strained. 

"Where are you? Are you ok?" He frantically grabbed Zhan, tugging him after himself as he sprung from the classroom.

"No, I'm not. Please just get He Tian."

"Tell me where you are first!"

"No....just get... that bastard."

"Zhan can get Tian just tell me where you are!"  Relief flooded him when mo responded with his location. 

"Xi xi, get Tian. I'm going to the gym." Jian yi moved to sprint towards the redhead as his ultimate saviour when Zhan grabbed his arm.

"Be careful."

Jian yi nodded, his heat swelled with love. He restrained himself from kissing the blonde. The school's gym was empty as p.e was mostly outside due to the overwhelming summer heat. It was locked leaving the only plausible factor that the redhead was behind the block. 

Jian yi almost had a heart attack when he saw Guanshan. Shan lay on his side where he had collapsed, blood had dried on his face and chin, his eyes were black. Jian yi rushed forwards, scrambling to check if the boy was breathing, he let out a terrified shriek of shock. Mo's neck was bleeding slightly, just staining his pale skin. A set of small punctures in oval caused Jian yi to repulse. A bite mark of horrid description. He hardly noticed himself moving back until his body bumped the opposite wall.

"What kind of sick bastard..."


Zhan hurried from room to room searching for He Tian, he was deeply worried for both the red head and jian yi. Guanshan had seemed almost..... on the verge of collapsing. His voice had seemed wispy and unreal. However this didn't break his usual calm facade as he located Tians classroom. The door stood open and he could easily make out He Tian surrounded by a gaggle of girls. His face played pleasant but it was obvious to those with a keen eye that he was not in the slightest bit engaged in any of them.

"He Tian." Zhan pushed past the girls.

"Hmm?" He grinned at the blonde, although his eyes kept flitting back to his silent phone.

"Have you seen mo I've been..." He huffed reaching for his phone when Zhan grabbed his arm.

"You need to come with me."


"Its about Guanshan."

Whether it was the panic laced below the words or just the use of his real name He Tian snapped out of his bizarre daze. He stood up. Never had Zhan felt so suddenly scared for the person to whom He Tian's anger would coincide in that moment. His body radiated fear, anger and worry. He grabbed Zhan without thinking, pulling him out of the classroom, outside in the hallways they began to run, Zhan explained the phone call and Jian yin's strange departure to find the redhead. 

He Tian felt sick, his body couldn't seem to decide between screaming at Zhan for not giving enough information or sprinting after the one person he cared for deeply. His legs were far longer than Zhans but the boy remained consistently by his side. In that moment that he had heard Guanshan name he knew something was deeply wrong. It struck him as odd that his moody boyfriend hadn't so much as even replied within the hour, what struck him as odder was Zhan coming to find him. 

As they neared the gym block, He Tian moved faster, he almost collided with the wall in his haste to get around the block. What he ended up colliding with was dread. Jian yi was knelt over Mo's limp body. He seemed uncertain on touching the boy's face. He Tian dropped to his knees, he roughly pushed jian yi away and gently reached out for Mo. 

His breath hitched in his throat, his heart squeezed until it almost burst with the overwhelming emotions driving him over the edge. But even with his body visibly vibrating with anger for the perpetrator he cradled mo gently. Mo's eyes cracked open. He smiled slightly. Huffing a sigh.

"You bastard, your late again." His voice seemed overly hoarse. He Tians eyes flicked to the bite, it wasn't deep in a dangerous way. But it caused even more rage to fuel He tian. Stiffening he brushed Mo's sweaty bangs from his forehead and kissed the hot skin. 

"Jian yi, call an ambulance once we're off school property." He snarled then tenderly picked up the redhead, slipping the boy amongst his arms. In doing so he caused his t-shirt to slip revealing a purple abdomen. He Tian froze, his eyes widened and he struggled to contain his anger. 


"Not right now. What are you?" He wheezed. "A dog in heat?"

Chuckling He Tian stood up, cradling the broken body. His eyes couldn't tear away from the dried blood. How long had it been since he had felt so many emotions. He was drowning in anger and fear. And the crushing weight of regret. If he had been quicker. If he had stayed with mo. If they hadn't gone to school. Sucking In a breath, his throat tightened. He shielded Mo's body from the sunlight as they left the gym block. 

I'm going to find those bastards...

And kill them.

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