6- anger

351 6 0

We say we're friends
But I'm catching you across the room
It makes no sense
'Cause we're fighting over what we do


The kiss though short, had bought a light to Tians world. He squeezed the waist of the boy on his lap and inhaled Guanshans sweet scent. Mo, however, had other ideas. Sliding of Tians lap, he examined the cut above the boys right eye, his nose scrunched in  concentration.

"I'm going to clean your cut then make us something to eat." Mo stated, his fingers brushing the bruise on Tians jaw. 

"Then ill walk you home." 

"No." Mo faced Tian, there was no fucking way he was leaving the beaten and bruised boy in an empty apartment defenceless. The very thought made his skin crawl, he would loathe anyone to do that. 

"I'm staying here with you." He growled, folding his skinny arms in defiance.

Tian taken aback, balked at the idea. He needed mo safe, where no one could touch him. Tian was pretty certain his brother wouldn't be attacking any time soon, but he still worried about the redhead walking alone. In the dark. 

"I'll walk you home, its not safe to stay here." Tian stood up, placing a hand on mos shoulder, pulling the male into a hug. 

"Exactly, that's why i should stay here!" Mo snapped, his face pushed into Tians chest.

"I highly Doubt that the two of us could take on that lot again." He Tian chuckled, the voice vibrating throughout his body calming Mo a little. 

"Who even were they?" He mumbled, his voice muffled. Tian squeezed the red head a little tighter and glanced at the night sky, eerily quiet. 

"You don't need to worry about them carrot head." 

"But i am worrying." Mo pulled away from the embrace to glower at Tian. 

"Don't you trust me?" He asked, brown eyes wide. Tian swallowed, he certainly did not want to involve Mo anymore than he already was, but it was difficult to lie to the Redhead who seemed to have some sixth sense when it came to lying. 

"They...they were acquaintances." Tian decided.

"Like hell they were acquaintances, one looked a lot like you."

Damn,He is good. Tian chewed the inside of his cheek contemplating what to say to the redhead. 

"One looked like your dad." 

Tian burst out laughing, the pain from his chest was yet to subside, gripping his ribs he struggled to control the wheezy gasps. Mo stood back, confused and slightly irritated. 


"He's my brother." Tian controlled himself, chuckling slightly he played with Mo's hair.

"Oh." Flushing red Mo firmly turned around. 

"Your still not staying here." 

"FINE! But at least tell me more about them. I have a right you know." Mo growled.

"Oh do you? Make us something to eat and then ill explain." 


Mo watched Tian stuff his face with the pork and rice bowls he had prepared. irritancy  was an underestimation . They had eaten in silence, or rather Tian had stuffed his face and Mo had sat in silence. Was Tian not getting the bloody hint?  Glancing up from his empty Bowl, Tian smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing.



"So tell me Tian!" 

Sighing, Tian dropped his spoon back into the bowl, leaning back he surveyed the redhead.

"These men were sent by my father."

"Ok? Why?" 

"Nosy aren't you."

"Oh and I'm supposed to be bothered when i walk in on you being beaten up!?" Mo snarled. Furious he picked up the two bowls, slamming them into the sink and turning on the water. Scrubbing them with visible fury he ignored the shocked Tian. 

He wanted to scream and yell at the demon, but instead he could only bite his lip. Strong arms wrapped around his waist. Tian leaned close, his breath tickling Mo's ear.

"I'm sorry." He breathed. Mo stopped cleaning, glaring at the table.

"I cant see that again Tian." His voice trembled.

"I know, I'm sorry." Tian inhaled deeply. "I didn't want to worry you. My father and i made a deal a few years back, i could live a normal life till i became an adult then i would join the family business, until then i have been avoiding them." 

"But your not an adult?" 

"My father is impatient, and i .... broke a few rules."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm supposed to stay within contact, but I haven't recently." Tian closed his eyes, pressing his lips to Mo's neck in an attempt to calm himself. Mo flung himself around. 

"That's fucked up."

"Yeah." Tian buried his head in the crook of Gunashans neck. "You should leave now." He murmured.

"I should." But neither moved. Sliding his hands through Tians hair, Mo struggled to come to terms with himself. 

'Tian....would you ever...." Mo stopped himself, he was being an idiot.

"Would i ever?" 

"I mean....we kiss, hold hands, hug and we're still...what? What are we?"  Mo blushed, fumbling over his words. He certainly wanted an answer but the very thought of a rejection. Swallowing he looked anywhere but the charcoal grey eyes. 

"I suppose your right." Tian paused. Cupping the boys chin, he forced Mo to face him.

"Go out with me?" He murmured.

"Yeah..yeah I'd like that." Mu muttered flushing red, the very tips of his ears going pink. Tian leaned down pressing his lips to Mo's, kissing his gently. Mo kissed back closing his eyes. 

"But you have to swear to tell me everything." Mo murmured as Tian pulled back.

"Sure, but you have to stop running into trouble."

"I don't! Your the trouble!" 

Grinning Tian held the redhead close, he felt strangely happy, his heart fluttering. Mo smiled into Tians t-shirt. Breathing Tians sharp scent. 

"But seriously, its getting late , you should go home. Ill walk you." 

Relenting, mo stepped back, his brown eyes trained firmly on tians silver eyes.

"If anything happens tell me." He murmured, brushing tians cheek.


"Ill be fine, you stay here." He smiled, but fear worked its way into his gut. He felt sick from the idea of walking alone without tian, and leaving the demon boy vulnerable in his apartment.

"No. Ill walk you." Tian desperately tried to grab Mo's arm. 

"No. chicken dick, your injured." 

"Fine, then let me at least get you a taxi." 

Huffing Mo finally agreed, he watched the taller male ring the service, their eyes never wavering from one another. 

Dropping his phone Tian pulled the redhead back into a hug, they stayed together like that until the taxi arrived. Brushing the bruise Mo pressed his lips gently to Tians temple. 

"See you tomorrow." He breathed.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow carrot head" 

Authors note,

Yeah so hi, if anyone has any questions just comment below. I think I'm going to do a bunch of fluff after this, cause this story should be spicy lmao. 

Anyway peace out homies. 

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