14- bruised

297 6 4

This sick feeling

This burning pain

Am i insane

Or are you the pain.


The alarm jolted Tian from his sleep. His fingers fumbled to find his phone amongst the tangled sheets and legs. Upon securing it he switched it off and breathed in deeply. His chin rested close to oranger waves that brushed his skin, faintly tickling. A smaller body rested close to his, the warmth radiating off him calmed Tian as he pulled Shan closer. The two lay bare entangled in each other arms. They had grown close to one another's bodies, spending their time Bantering, eating and skipping school to have sex. Closing his eyes he allowed the sweet lull of sleep to pull him under. A hand flew out smacking the underside of his chin and jolting him from the tips of slumber. Mo mumbled under his breath his hand sinking back to rest on the mattress. Huffing Tian closed his eyes again this time he caught the hand flying to hit his face and pressed his lips against the fingers. Mo groaned, he cracked his eyes open and shot his boyfriend a glare. 

"We have to get up." He mumbled, his vice rasp from sleep.

"We can skip first period." He Tian countered, his voice deep. He tugged mo closer, snuggling his head into his neck and rubbing against him.


Tian stopped, he peeked at Shans face to see the boy now fully awake and with a half amused half annoyed expression on his face.

"Just one more time."

"No! What are you? A dog in heat?!" He growled wriggling away and standing up. He stretched, arching his back. The sunlight dipping across his spine and gliding down his hips, allowing He Tian to spot the pink love bites and hikes covering his long legs and chest. He wriggled watching Mo, he flopped over, then rolled back to stare again.

"Pervert" Mo muttered, dressing himself. 

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"It turns me on." He smirked, tugging the covers closer to his body and closing his eyes. Mo stormed Forwards and snatched the Sheets away. He Tian sat up, his hair askew. Yawning he adjusted himself to watch the sun creep up above the apartment blocks and parks. 

"Get up asshole!" Mo yelled from the kitchen as he muttered curses below his breath. He had prepared breakfast for them From the night before due to Tians strong urge to fuck as soon as they arrived home from school. His hips and lower back ached as he stuffed rice and chicken into plastic containers. They had stayed over He Tians apartment per Mo's request to keep their sex as far away from his mother as possible. Mo's mother knew about the two boys dating, she often pestered Shan to invite Tian over for supper and would consistently ask if Tian was ok and where he was when Mo arrived home from school without his dark haired demon boyfriend.

"What class do you have first?" Tian asked as he dressed himself.

"Dunno, i think calculus." Mo retrieved his books all the while avoiding He tians out stretched arms. He didn't get far before He Tian wrapped himself around the smaller teen. Although he would never admit it Mo enjoyed the hugs. 

"Lets skip fist class." He mumbled pressing his lips to the back of shans neck.

"No, i need to get my grades up."

"Aw momo~ when did you become such a nerd?"

"Shut up chicken dick." Mo growled. He shoved Tian off him and slung his school bag over his shoulder. He Tian opened his mouth to complain but Mo stuffed a steamed bun firmly in the boys mouth before briskly leaving the apartment. Summer really was in its way now as they walked to school, blossom trees stood in their full glory, flowers bursting with colour along the river bed. He Tian held the redheads hand as he smoked, eyeing the students as they neared the school gates. Mo stared at his phone an irritated expression creeping over his glare. 

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