11 - Skies

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Mo wasn't sure how to approach Tian about last night, he had spent all night awake and thinking over what he had seen. he held faith for his boyfriend. he trusted he tian to no end but curiosity and doubt still lingered somewhere in his heart. he tian was known to hide secrets, but a relationship seemed to far. biting his tongue he glanced down the empty road, he still had few more minutes before the other arrived. gridding his teeth he ran hs fingers through the orange locks. He was certain that He Tian would never hurt him in anyway.

"don't think too hard Momo, your not gifted with a brain." He Tian had slunk up upon the teen, mo jolted. he turned way and ignored the dark haired teen. 

"mo?" He Tain pressed closer to the redhead, surprised and a little hurt. 

"what?" he snarled.

"what's wrong?"

"what were you really doing yesterday He Tian?" Mo had flung himself back around, his brown eyes caught the sun, bending and twisting across his cheekbones and jaw. He Tain felt guilt pool in his stomach. 

"I had an appointment." 

Mo bit his lip, then swung his fist into He Tians chest. Shoving the boy back. His eyes fumed with anger.

"YOU WERE WITH YUA!" He yelled. He Tian grabbed the flailing angry redhead, pressing his head into his chest. 

"Let me explain."

"Explain what exactly?" Mo growled, panting he pulled back. Tian sighed, he brushed his hair and groaned at the sky. He wasnt sure how to say whaht he had really been doing. 

"I..." he coughed and fumbled.

"Huh? Spit it out shithead!"

"I was asking her for advice on how to celebrate an anniversary." 

"What! what anniversary?" 

He tian chuckled, wrapping an arm around mo's waist he nuzzled closer.

"Are you an idiot redhead?"

"What!? No!"

"Then think!"

Mo reeled back, his eyes narrowing, nose scrunching in concentration. 

"There's nothing to celebrate?"

"Damn... you might be more stupid than i thought." He Tian dodged the smack. "I was going to take you out on a date to celebrate us going out for two weeks." 

Mo stared at him, his face slowly flushing red. Blinking he hit He Tian again. 

"You idiot! You don't need to celebrate something like that!" He grumbled, cheeks pink, a smile tugging on his lips. Grinning He Tian hugged him close, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys waist and breathing in his soft scent. Shan being jealous turned him on more than he would admit. Smirking he groped his ass.

"Damn you!" Mo pushed him away. Folding his arms he tired to quench the warm feeling in his chest upon learning what Tian was really up to.

"We have to meet jian yi and Zhan Zheng" He snapped, grabbing He Tians arm and pulling him towards the bus station. He Tian slipped his hand into the redheads, briefly squeezing it. He hated hiding things from the redhead, but in concern for his protection he would do anything to keep him safe. 

Lighting a cigarette he inhaled deeply and glanced at the blue sky, the sun created a golden halo around Guanshans head. He would keep this boy safe to no end. His.


"He Tian you bastard what were you doing with Yua!" Jian yi had stormed the dark haired teen boy almost upon greeting. Since the basketball game he held a certain respect for the redhead that and he was hoping the boy would cook him more food. 

"Wow, you both were stalking me" he grinned, grabbing the blond into a headlock. 

"What were you doing!"

"Its not your business jian yi." Zhan Zheng xi murmured.

"But xi xi..!"

"He was asking her for advice on dating." Mo smirked breezing past with Zhan Zheng Xi as they sat at the table. 

"No way!" Jian yi stared at He Tian who pouted at mo.

"Don't expose me like that baby." He whined.

"Shut up." 

Jian yi wriggled away from the dark haired teen to secure a seat next to Zhan Zheng xi. 

"You'd do that for me right xi xi?"

"We're not dating."

Jian yi grabbed his best friends arm cradling his head while he sobbed.  Zhan Zheng xi ignored him, flipping through the menu. He Tian reached out a grabbed the redheads hand tugging him closer. 

"Can't we just get momo to cook for us?" Jian yi whined at He Tian. 

"What am i to you people!" Growled the redhead. 

"A very angry cute chef." Tian replied.

"A fridge." Nodded jian yi. The menu smacked him a cross the face. Huffing Mo crossed his arms and turned away.

"Don't expect me to cook for you chicken dick."

"Wait no I'm sorry redhead!" Jian yi sprung towards him sobbing. He spouted nonsense until mo relented and shoved him away stating that he would think about it. 

"Your so lucky He Tian, i bet Mo cooks for you all the time." Pouted Jian yi. 

"Yep. He's the sexiest chef." 

"SHUT UP!" Mo attacked his boyfriend who laughed as they fought. Holding back the furious redhead he secured an easy kiss to the boys lips. Mo went bright red and scooted as far away as he could from He Tian. 

"Excuse me!" Jian yi yelped, he mimed puking. Guanshan ignored him. 

"Like you don't want Zhan Zheng to do that to you." He smirked. Jian yi feigned surprise. He Tian grinned, he loved it when his little redhead was salty. Smirking he threw jian yi a pointed look. Pointing at Guanshan and mouthing. Prefect boyfriend is like this. 

Jian yi stuck his middle finger up then ordered twice the amount of food that he actually wanted just to piss of the dark teen, who unsurprisingly was paying for the meal. His silver eyes shot jian yi an annoyed stare as the smaller male stuffed his face with cake. 

It was dark as they parted ways. He Tian smoking, the fiery embers matching his boyfriends fiery complexion. Zhan Zheng Xi kept serene as jian yi held his hand, the sky seemed almost shattered pink as the sun cast fleeting golden glows amongst the trees in the park. 

Mo tilted his head, the sky burned blue black. A warm hand found its way into his. Turning he fell into the embrace of He Tian. The taller teen resting his head into the boys neck. His breath sending shivers down his spine. 

"Don't ever lie to me again." Hissed mo.

".... i wont." 

Their lips connected, He Tian brushing his fingers along shans jaw. "I'm sorry." He breathed, his voice to low for the other to hear. 

I'm so sorry. 

Hi everyone!!

I want to thank everyone that's being voting and commenting. It means so much to me! Ill try to keep on top of updates! 1137 words this time. 


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