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"okay, so where are we going?" i asked, looking at him.
"get ready and then i'll tell you."
i rolled my eyes, and went to change. i put on a black crop top and a pair of ripped jeans, then threw on converse. i did my makeup and went back to the living room. "okay. where?"
gus smiled. "we're going to the carnival."
"really?" i've always wanted to go, but all my friends have always been busy and i never wanted to go alone.
"really. let's go, i'm ready if you are."


i looked around in amazement at the place. the lights were so bright against the dark, and it smelled like popcorn. gus laughed. "where do you wanna go first?"
"i dunno."
"wanna go play ring toss?"
we searched around for the ring toss game until i spotted it. "you two playing?" the operator asked.
"yeah." i said.
"wanna work together or compete?"
i saw gus glance at me from the corner of his eye. "compete, please."
"alright." the operator handed us three rings each. "try to get three rings on the same bottle."
me and gus went at the same time. i got zero rings on, he got two. "i won, how does it feel to be a loser?"
he put a stuffed animal in his pocket. "okay, lets go."
"no, wait, what did you pick as your prize?"
"nothing." he avoided my eyes.
"gus, i swear to his-"
he sighed and took a blue peep bunny out of his jacket. "peep with a peep."
"why are you like this."
"i like peeps."
"i sure hope so."
"just for that comment, come on." gus grabbed my hand and dragged me to a ride.
"this is the fastest roller coaster here, gus, i can't do it-"
"you're gonna. and look, there's no line!"
"i hate you."
"nah, you don't." we showed our wristbands to the operator, who let us in a car.
a minute later, the roller coaster started, and i immediately started screaming. the wind whipped my hair and face and i was terrified. as soon as it was over, gus started laughing. "oh my god, you should've heard yourself! aaaaah! you're such a pussy when it comes to stuff like this."
"i absolutely hate you."
"nah, lets grab food."
i followed him to a food stand and watched him get some cotton candy. i couldn't even think about eating after that roller coaster, but he was waving pink fluff in my face. i grabbed it with my teeth, making sure to lick his hand in the process. "ew! that's disgusting!"
"you made me go on that ride, it's fair."
"fine, then you pick a ride."
i pointed at a ride. "that one."
we walked to the ride. it was where your legs dangled off the seat and you flew around in the air calmly. we showed our wristbands and sat in a seat together. being late at night, most people had cleared out. as we rose into the air, you could see the whole carnival. it was beautiful, all the lights against the black sky. gus wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "it's a pretty view."
"yeah." i barely heard him, focusing on the kids park a block away.
"you know, some music would make this a nice vibe."
"what did you have in mind?" i replied, looking at how high our feet were above the ground.
"look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason." he sang softly into my ear. "a reason to shine, a reason like mine, and i'm falling to pieces."
"look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason." i whispered, trying to control my breaths. it was the first time i had sung since i attempted.
right as i finished, the ride started to slow down. as it came to a full stop, we hopped off. gus looked at me. "cold?"
"just a bit."
"i gotchu."
he laughed and took off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. i slid my arms into it. "won't you be cold?"
"i'll be okay. you, however, cry when you get cold."
"gus, i was 13, and i had fucking hypothermia!"
"i know, i know, i'm making a joke. you know what those are, right?"
"i will literally punch you."
he took a step back from me and held his arms out. "aight, try."
i swung a punch and connected with his arm. he barely flinched. "goddamnit." i muttered.
"that didn't even hurt me."
"it hurt me though."
"awe, shouldn't have punched me then."
"fuck you."
"i'm your dreams."
he made a ridiculous face, and i took my phone out and captured a picture of it. me, being the jerk i am, decided to post it. he protested but i already had it up.

lillianjames: back with my best friend[comments]tracyminajj: is dat peep I see cuz he lookin fiiiiine 🥵lilpeep: can't believe u posted this, bitchlilpeep: tracyminajj yes dat me, whattup, we at the carnival i took her for her first time, she neve...

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lillianjames: back with my best friend
tracyminajj: is dat peep I see cuz he lookin fiiiiine 🥵
lilpeep: can't believe u posted this, bitch
lilpeep: tracyminajj yes dat me, whattup, we at the carnival i took her for her first time, she never been
tracyminajj: lilpeep that's cute bro

gus laughed at the photo. "tracy is weird."
i smiled, reading their comments. "yes, he is."
"we gotta go back home, momma said my bedtime is at midnight."
i raised my eyebrow. "liza gave you a bedtime?"
"i promised her i'd get an alright sleeping schedule."
"that's cute. mama's boy."
"i'll willingly admit that."
"we can go if you let me hug the peep."
"i mean, if you say so." gus wrapped me in a hug.
"i meant the stuffed animal, dumbass." i replied, but not ending the hug.
he laughed, broke away from me, and handed me the stuffed peep. "there you go."
i smiled and held it close to my chest. "wanna go home, then?"

the last thing i wanna do (lil peep fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now