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"lillian, wake up for your vitals." the nurse shook me awake.
i sighed. she took my pulse, blood pressure, and drew my blood. "can i go back to sleep?"
"no, you need to go get breakfast."
i trudged out of bed, freezing. i threw a sweatshirt on and went to the cafeteria. the lady gave me cereal and an apple. i sighed and sat at a table alone to eat it. this girl sat next to me. "is it okay if i sit here?"
"yeah." i took a small bite of my cereal, disinterested in my food.
"i'm amy. you're new?"
"what's your name?"
"what're you here for?"
i sighed. we weren't supposed to talk about it. i lowered my voice to a whisper. "suicidal actions, ptsd."
"oh. i hear voices." she smiled like it was a normal fact to say.  i nodded and continued to eat my cereal, forcing it down. "you're quiet."
"yeah." i finished the cereal and started to eat the apple.
"who's your best friend?"
"i don't have one."
"you don't? aw."
"yeah. well." i got up and let the nurse see how much i ate. once she approved it, i threw the trash away. god. i hated this place.

the last thing i wanna do (lil peep fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now