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gus looked at me. "what're we gonna do for the wedding? momma's asking."
"i don't know. i've got layla. you've got all of gbc."
"tracy's my maid of honor."
i looked at him quizzically. "you mean... best man?"
"ohhh, yeah!"
"layla can be my maid of honor, if you're okay with that."
"yeah, it's fine. i want eric and adam as my groomsmen."
"i don't have any other friends."
"you don't have any other female friends. i'm sure coldy and fish would be down to wear dresses. just saying."
"i won't force them to do that." i laughed.
"you're no fun. what flowers do you want?"
"pink roses."
"can i dye my hair to match the roses?"
i grinned. "yes, you can."
"you're cute."
"let's go get dinner and we can talk about it there? i'm hungry."


"okay, but, imagine this. fish in a strapless dress."
"i don't wanna imagine that. they can wear suits, if they genuinely want to wear a dress i won't stop them." i sighed.
he turned down a side street and i followed. "why not make them? coldy could rock it."
"if he doesn't wanna wear it i won't make him wear one."
"you're boring." he lit a joint and smiled.
"nah, just empathetic." i waved my hand and he handed it to me. i inhaled, blew the smoke out of my nose, and passed it back to him.
he rolled his eyes. "dummy."
"yeah." we heard some commotion. "hey, what's that?"
"i don't know."
he walked quickly towards the sound, i followed. "put your hands up!"
"i did nothing wrong!" a girl sobbed. she was sitting on the ground with her hands in front of her. a officer had his gun pointed at her.
"fuck... she's a kid..." gus mumbled.
"don't." i whispered, placing my hand on his arm.
"i punched him because he tried to rape me! it's not my fucking fault!"
"leave her alone!" gus yelled, running in front of her.
"who are you?" the officer asked.
"leave her alone, she didn't do anything wrong."
"who the fuck are you?" the officer pointed his gun at him.
"gustav elijah ahr, lil peep." he turned to the girl. "what happened?"
"this guy, he goes to my school, he just tried to pull me into an alley and he tried taking my clothes off, he smacked me, and i started screaming and he punched me in the stomach. and i punched him back, and he went crying to the police. i didn't do anything wrong."
"and this son of a bitch is pointing his gun at you?" she nodded. "she did nothing wrong. put your gun down."
"i can't."
"she did nothing wrong. find the guy who hurt her. stop treating her like a criminal."
"we have a video of her punching him, i didn't see anything of the alleged rape."
"what the fuck?" gus stood up and took a step towards the officer. "the actual fuck? she was hurt tonight and you're gonna believe a little teenage boy crying wolf when he was the real one who hurt her? put the fucking gun down-"
i heard three loud shots and gus collapsed. the girl screamed as i registered what happened. "gus!" i yelled, running to his side. the officer aimed his gun at me but i didn't even care. i pressed my hand against his thigh, trying to slow the bleeding. "gus, fuck." i looked at the officer. "you fucking shot him!"
"i'm gonna be fine... baby." gus muttered, placing his hand on mine.
the girl gave me her sweatshirt, and i noticed she had a phone to her ear. i grabbed the sweatshirt and held it to his wound. "you're a fucking idiot." i muttered, applying pressure to the wound. "what's liza gonna say? no, don't answer that."
i heard sirens in the distance as the girl argued with the cop. i was focused on keeping gus's blood inside his body. i looked at his face, he was staring off into the distance, his eyes were unfocused. "gus, can you hear me?" no answer. "peep!" i said louder, waving my hand in his face.
"baby... i love you..." he managed.
"mhm, i know, be quiet, save your energy." tears fell from my eyes and i wiped them away, smearing blood on my face.
"ma'am, he's bleeding from above his hip." the girl said.
i looked and a small blood patch was appearing on his clothes on his right side. he was shot in the stomach. my heart jumped into my throat. a second later, i was pulled off him and paramedics loaded him into an ambulance. the girl had disappeared, and so did the cop. a random guy who was watching sat next to me. "i'm sure he'll be okay."
"he was shot three times." i said flatly.
"what is he? your friend, boyfriend?"
"he'll be okay. is there anyone you want me to call for you?"
he nodded and sat next to me in silence. a few minutes later, someone was yelling. "lillian!"
i looked over. "adam."
"where's peep, it was on the news-"
"okay, get in the car, we're going."
i got into the front seat and adam started speeding down the road. "gus..."
"what the hell happened?"
"a cop was pointing his gun at a girl who was assaulted and gus jumped in front of her and told the cop to calm down and he shot him. three shots. thigh and stomach."
"shit." adam pulled into the parking lot. "you're covered in his blood."
i looked down at my hands, which were red. "oh."
"let's get them washed." he grabbed my arm gently and led me to the hospital bathrooms. we went into the men's bathroom and he ran my hands underwater, scrubbing them. then he wet a paper towel and gently wiped my face. "he'll be okay. he's strong."
we went out to the emergency room waiting area. adam went up to the front desk and i followed. "hey, um, we're here to see gustav ahr."
the lady looked at me and frowned. "family only, i'm sorry."
"i'm his fiancé. can you at least tell me how he is?"
"i shouldn't but... he's critical. emergency surgery." she said, reading from her notes. "i'm sorry."
i sat down in one of the chairs and started sobbing. adam wrapped his arm around my shoulder. tears fell from my eyes and hit the linoleum floor. "someone call liza." i managed, then started sobbing again.
"i did." someone said. "and she asked if i was with him, cause i was always with him, and i said it was the one time i wasn't." tracy said, sitting next to me. "he'll be okay. i'm sure."
"he's critical and in emergency surgery." adam said.
i rested my head on tracy's shoulder, he wiped my tears with his sweatshirt sleeve. "he's strong."
"but it was a gun." i mumbled.
"you think he's gonna let a gun kill him?"
"go to sleep." adam offered. "the time will pass by quicker, and when you wake up he'll be out."
i nodded, closed my eyes, and tracy held me closer. "sleep. he'll be back in the morning."

the last thing i wanna do (lil peep fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now