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"i don't want you to leave."
"i know, baby, i'm sorry." he wrapped his arms around me. "i'll see you in a few months. you got tracy to hang out with."
"not the same."
"i know." he kissed my hair. "i have to go."
"don't do drugs, okay baby? get sober for me?" he tilted my chin up.
"i can't do that."
"why not? what have you been through that you can't get sober?"
"every fucking kind of abuse."
gus chuckled. "i walked right into that one, didn't i? i have to go now, i'm so sorry."
"i love you."
"i love you too." he bent down slightly and kissed me. there was a honk outside, ben wanted to drive the bus. he looked towards the door. "you can call me, i'll answer any time you need me. i'll see you soon" he gave me a quick peck and went outside.
i watched him leave and sighed. and there he went. gone. i sat on the couch and turned on criminal minds. a couple episodes into it, my phone buzzed. gus had posted a picture of me.

lilpeep: dats my baby, my ghost girl, mine. i don't get to see her for a while bc of tour :(
tracyminajj: shes a cutie bruh where did u find her
user282632: peep, pick someone better
user27362: why can't he date someone famous? this is a nobody
user284640: i hope he's happy when she leaves him after she gets his money, she's a small town chick fucking a rapper for his dick and drugs and fame
lilpeep: user284640: fuck off, u don't kno anything abt this girl, her name is lillian. we knew each other back in high school, we stayed friends, now we r dating. u don't know shit abt her and my relationship, u don't get to voice shit on the internet. she's the best girl in the whole fucking world and u guys are gonna see it and regret the stuff u said, i'll make u eat your words, just watch. fuck u and if anyone agrees with them ur not a real fan of mine
fish_narc: 😳😳😳
realhorsehead: bruh. you guys pissed peep off

i smiled and set my phone down. damn. gus went hard defending me when he didn't need to. well, i guess he thought he needed to. oh well.


gus's face popped up on my phone and i accepted the facetime. "peep!"
he was laying down in his bunk on the bus. "hi, babygirl. how're you?"
"i'm okay. i been missing you though."
"i miss you too." he ran his hand through his hair. he was shirtless and he looked tired. i wondered if he was about to sleep. "i wish you came with. it's hella boring."
"i'm sorry."
"it's okay, i just gotta wait another month and a half to see you. that's not long." he smiled. "what were you about to do?"
"i was just getting ready for bed." i set my phone down on the dresser. "i'm gonna change real quick."
"stay on screen." he suggested, smirking.
"uh huh." i rolled my eyes, quickly changing into a t-shirt and shorts. "good enough for you?"
"hell yeah." he bit his bottom lip.
i giggled and took my phone to the bathroom, where i started to take my makeup off. "did you have a concert today?"
"yeah. it was a day. security was being shit, wouldn't let me through with my stuff til my manager stepped in."
"that sucks." i brushed my hair.
"yeah, well, you made up for it by showing me your ass."
"gus!" i laughed. "god, you're so immature."
"well, you've dealt with me for so long, you should know that. besides, you're the hottest girl in the whole world."
"i am not." i started brushing my teeth.
"you can't argue with me right now." he smiled. "you are the absolute hottest girl in the whole world, you're the only one i wanna pin against a wall and kiss, the only one i wanna cuddle, the only one i wanna take pictures with, the only one i wanna fuck." he looked down real quick then looked back up. "well then. shouldn't have said that. anyways, you're the best girl in the world and you're all mine and i love you so much."
i spit out my toothpaste. "i am not the best girl in the world."
he rolled his eyes. "all you do is deny everything i say. jeez."
"cause you're saying lies."
"it's not lies. it's the absolute truth."
"you're lying."
he sighed. "someone's absolute in doubt."
he laughed and scratched his nose. "sorry, sorry. i should let you sleep."
i walked to my bed and sat on it. "i'd rather talk to you."
"course you would." he laid his phone against the wall and turned to face it.
"wanna sleep on facetime? cause i should let you sleep, but i don't wanna leave you."
"yeah, let's do it." i placed my phone against the lamp and turned off the light. i crawled under the covers and yawned.
"aw, you're so cute." gus smiled. "god, i wish i could cuddle you right now."
"i wish we could too." i hugged the blue peep stuffed animal he had won at the carnival.
"wait, that's where that went?" he looked closer at his phone. "you stole it? man, i thought i lost it."
"it reminds me of you."
he shook his head and laughed. "you're lucky you're cute."
"mhm." i cuddled the peep closer to my face and smelled it. it smelled like gus.
"my angel." he said quietly, taking a screenshot of the facetime.
"i've been thinking, i wanna dye my hair pink."
"do it! like a light pink, or a bubblegum, or a dark pink, or a red, or-"
i laughed. "bubblegum."
"i fully endorse this. do it tomorrow!"
"i wanna wait for you to get back, we can do it together."
"i like that idea much better." he grinned.
"i knew you would."
he blew a kiss at me. "i love you."
"i love you too." i yawned.
"go to sleep."
"don't wanna."
"you need to, baby."
"goodnight, gus. i love you."
"i love you too."
i snuggled into my pillow and slowly started to fall asleep.

the last thing i wanna do (lil peep fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now