Erotic texter (smut)

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Warning: light smut

We all know Alexander Hamilton would send very sexual letters to John Laurens when he was in South Carolina. It was to an extent to where some words were even crossed out, leading many to believe it was extremely sexual. I mean, the guy even invited him to a threesome, but that's besides the point. It was through letters, now what if they had cellphones, what if they used snapchat, what if they were living in the modern life?
This is historical John and Hamilton but they're living in the modern world, also I know Lafayette and Hercules never met in real life, but in the world on fan fiction, anything is possible.

Hamilton was known for being non-stop. He wrote and he wrote and he wrote. Well, he used to. That was until he bought himself a laptop and he began typing like an office junkie. The man could not be dragged from his laptop. It didn't help that it was a MacBook, so wherever he went, the laptop went with him. He was glued to the thing, and nothing and nobody could tear him from the laptop. Why? Because then he'd pull out his phone and start typing. It also didn't help that he never had his phone on silent, so everyone could hear the crazy fast typing he did, his fingers working furiously and effortlessly, without missing a key like a pianist. Whenever he typed quickly and aggressively, it was usually arguments with Jefferson, and slow typing, sometimes taking long to reply was when he would text Laurens. You see, the man could come up with an insult in a millisecond. He could build palaces out of paragraphs, could build cathedrals, but that John Laurens always stripped him from his words. Every single time he left Alexander feeling speechless, he felt helpless. Laurens had a way of talking to Alex like he was a creature beyond the regular people, and Alexander would look at John like he hung the moon. When the two would text each other, not even Jeffersons pestiferous insults could pull Hamilton from the phone.

"He won't even eat the croissant I left on the plate because he keeps texting john, mon ami." Lafayette groaned annoyingly while Hercules searched for something to watch from the kitchen. The only thing that could be heard was the aggressive typing and the low sound from the television. "Look, watch this". Lafayette said as he got closer to Hamilton. "Mon ami, Jefferson said you're a whore, c'est bon?" Hercules muffled his laugh, tucking his mouth in his hoodie while Lafayette grinned. Hamilton stayed glued to the phone and just nodded, not paying attention to what he asked-oh how hard it was for him to say no even if he wasn't paying attention. Hercules and Lafayette both erupted in laughing fits while Alexander still kept texting. It went like that for a while, Lafayette asked dumb question and Hamilton would nod or make a noise of agreement. Sometimes he'd snicker a bit, other times he'd huff, but then, then, his faced heated up and looked around to see if anyone was reading the text john sent. When he found Lafayette slumped over Hercules he sighed in relief and grinned cheekily, replying back with much heat. He felt filthy texting in such a way while the guys where there, it gave him a rush making him all more aroused. You see, Alexander, Lafayette, Hercules, and John lived in one apartment, four rooms for each individual person, but sometimes Hercules and Lafayette were out leaving John and Alexander together, other times its was them who were out, but this time John was out in South Carolina for his internship. Lafayette and Hercules were there too keep Alex company, but that was the last thing he wanted and needed at the moment. He felt hot and sweaty. He bit his lip when he got a snap from John and nearly fell off the chair when he opened it to see the photo. Alexander put his phone down and sighed when Hercules was asleep and Lafayette struggled to keep his eyes open watching the show. Hamilton look down at his pants, noticing a decent bulge and decided being in his room was probably a good idea. He got up and speedily walked to his room. Lafayette looked up, only able to see Alexanders back. "Where are you going, mon ami?" Alexander straightened out and grabbed onto the knob. "I feel kind of sick and tired, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Laf". He slammed the door shut and jumped into his bed.

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