Hurtful words(2) (angst)

445 13 17

" What? Can't handle it? My oh my Alexander, you're a sensitive little bitch. How unfortunate your mother died, she definitely died because she couldn't bear with knowing what a fuck up her little boy would become. Poor woman, drove her to death because of how much of a terrible person you are, and your father? What a hilarious coincidence, only he didn't die. No, he was smarter, he just decided to leave you because you're that unbearable. You're so shitty that I think you drove your cousin to suicide. Want to know? Go ask him, just don't let the rope get you on your way out".

"Jefferson! Enough, that is highly inappropriate of you. We do not condone this type of hate speech. This was simply a debate over a topic for class, and you took it too far. This kind of speech is unacceptable.I will make a report to the board." Washington spat from his desk.

I stared at him in shock. I felt so much despair I couldn't move, couldn't talk. For once in my life I was speechless. Not a single insult could exit my mouth, the only thing running in my head are the sounds of the voices that repeated themselves.
You're the reason your mother is dead.
Your father never loved you.
You're cousin is dead because of you.
You're a terrible person.
Why even bother being alive.
Fuck up.
" Oh go ahead, they all know. Hamilton here is the murderer anyways. That's why his mom is dead and so is his cousin, this kid was not meant to be around people, I feel so sorry for Laurens, you know, didn't he try to kill himself one time? Must have been your fault too, maybe you should be the one to slit your wrist, or hang yourself like your cousin."

3rd person POV

Washington stood up instantaneously, his hands slamming the desk. He marched angrily to Jefferson, screaming at him about his behaviour and how intolerable it was for a college before Thomas grabbed his bags and stormed out the door.
Washington sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before he turned to Hamilton and frowned.
He set a gentle hand on his shoulder. The room was quiet, the students taken aback by what just went down in class and Hamilton had a dead look on his face. "Are you- do you..." The professor struggled with his words, he wasn't taught to  handle these types of situations.

He scratch the back of his head and sighed. "You can leave early, everyone. Class is cancelled" There were no cheers, no chatting. Everyone just grabbed their stuff and left, too shocked to even talk to one another. Hamilton stayed as still as a statue, trying to process everything that had occurred. Washington helped pick up his belongings and put them in has bag, before handing it to Hamilton. "If you need to talk, I'm right here. What he said wasn't right and I'll make sure something is done about it. I'm so sorry this happened and I didn't step in sooner."

Hamilton looked at Washington in the eyes. Tears welling. Washington only shook his head.

"Son..." and with that Alexander snatched his bag and zoomed out of the class not caring about the people he bumped into, he shoved everyone and everything out of his way, his body stuck on "flight" mode. He exited out of the building, accidentally bumping into Eliza. " Watch it- Oh Alexander! How was your debate?" Alex held is head low and shook his head and ran off, ignoring the calls from the Schuyler's.

He ran through the grass and nearly tripped over Lafayette laying on the floor. "Woah- Monsieur Hamilton, how was the debate-oh mon dieu! Are you okay, what happened?" Alexander ran past him, also ignoring the calls for him. Lafayette tried to chase after him but was stopped by Hercules.

" Let him has his space, we'll talk to him later when he cools down."

The tears blurred Hamiltons vision but that never stopped him from finally making it back to the dorms.

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