The nail on the coffin (pt 2) (angst)

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Warning: mentions of self harm and depression. Signs of suicide
This one doesn't specify whether it's musical or historical, its up to you guys.....
A lot of POV changes

Hamiltons' POV

I ran out of his room in a scurry, my heart pounding out of my chest as I frantically put on my shoes with my hands trembling. "Alex, What's wrong why are you in a rush?" I turned to face him on alert and gripped his shoulders, making him wince. "Did you see John leave?" I asked, digging my nails into his shoulders. He cocked his head to the side as he tried to pry himself from my grip but I held him tighter. "What, no. Laf told me he went to the store though." I let him go, ignoring him rub his shoulders before I gasped and grabbed them again, then shook him violently. "HERCULES, HE'S IN DANGER! CALL THE SCHUYLERS RIGHT NOW." I dropped to my knees and gripped my hair, a sob escaping my lips. Hercules put on his coat, Lafayette stepping out of his room. "Mon ami, what's got you so sad?" I stood up and paced around, knocking down the plant and ripping my hair out of my scalp before waving Laurens letter like a madman. "IT'S JOHN, LETS GO HE NEEDS OUR HELP!" Hercules looked at me confused but grabbed the letter, Lafayette perched behind him. When they finished reading it, they covered their mouths with their hands and our eyes locked. In a hurry, we scrambled out of the house and got in the car, Lafayette driving.

Johns POV
I made it to the empty hall and looked around to make sure nobody was here. Then, I pulled out the pills from my pocket, staring at them.
You've made it this far, do it.
Nobody is going to miss you.
You're doing the world a favour by disappearing.
I wiped the tears from my face and unscrewed the cap, staring at all of the white pills.

3rd Person POV

Hamilton and his friends took one car, while the Schuylers thought taking their own cars would be a better idea. They'd spread out and have a better chance of finding Laurens. Angelica searched through Johns favourite places, Eliza looked through Alexander and John's favourite places to be at, and Peggy looked towards areas she knew Laurens wouldn't be in. That was their plan.

Lafayette drove around, occasionally meeting Eliza and Angelica. Hercules rubbed Alexander's back while Alex rocked back and forth in his seat, hyperventilating at this point. He bit his nails, scratched his face, then dug his nails in his arms to calm his nerves while looking out the window for his John.
Finally a phone rang and Hercules picked it up. "I found him, meet me at the empty hall where Jefferson usually goes!". Hercules shot up and thanked Peggy, before telling the news to Lafayette and Hamilton. They were just glad he was okay.

Johns POV

Hurry up, stop being a pussy and just kill yourself.
I tossed my head back and was about to swallow the pills when I felt something shove me to the floor, the pills clattering on the floor like marbles. I looked up to see Peggy and panicked. I tried to get up but she held me down.
No, she needs to let me go, I have to die! I can't be alive!
I tried to shove her off me but then Eliza held me down, then Angelica. I screamed and twisted and turned to get them off me but I couldn't. It made me feel powerless.

Hamilton's POV

We made it to the hall and before Laf parked the car I opened the door and jumped out, running towards the entrance. when I finally made it, I harshly pushed the doors and my heart sank when I saw him.
"Please, just let me die, I want to die!" I ran towards him and the Schuylers let go. I wrapped my arms around him and he punched my chest and tried to shove me away but I just held him tighter. "Let me die!" I shook my head even though he couldn't see it. "No!"
He then tugged on my hoodie, sobbing into the crock of my neck. I just rubbed his back and said calming words to him to keep him at bay. I felt tears dripping down my eyes like an overflowing sink, but I didn't care, I was just so happy he was okay. " I'm so sorry John. I shouldn't have pushed you out like that. Please forgive me I'm sorry. I promise I'll be there for you, I'll always be there. I'm so sorry. I could have lost you. I love you so much, my dearest, Laurens". I felt him grip my tighter as we both sobbed.

I turned to Peggy, Eliza, and Angelica, mouthing a "Thank you" for helping us. I smiled sadly at Lafayette and Hercules, then looked down to see John fast asleep.
He must be so exhausted. We all were. It was a long night, but now we could finally return home and rest knowing our friend, our family, and the love of my life, was out of harms way.
I picked him up and carried him to the car, refusing to let go even as we were inside.

We rode back home without music, it was a rather comforting silence, then we made it home and I took Laurens with me to my room, laying him gently and took off his clothes. I frowned upon seeing the various cuts on his arms, so I took the liberty of grabbing the aid kit and cleaning the wound, hoping he wouldn't wake up every time he made a sign of being uncomfortable, then I wrapped them and put the kit away. I went to his room and dressed him in some of his comfortable pyjamas before I also got undressed and hopped into the bed with him in just my boxer. I pulled him close and lay my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat. I sighed a breath of relief, he was okay, I was okay, and we all were okay. I vowed to always be there for him, and with that thought I was fast asleep, lulled by my lovers heartbeat.

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