Truth or dare (1) (fluff)

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This is musical Hamilton.
Warning: slight nsfw

Hamilton and his friends were like any other college student, crying over how much they needed to study only to result in no better than a C. Well, except for Hamilton- he would start on his project weeks prior and the essays, well those were as soon as they were mentioned, but when they weren't suffering studying students (some of the time) they were four bored boys, who threw parties every so often. Today, was one of those days where the boys discussed what they needed for the party.

" Alright guys you know how this works, Hercules is in control of music, Lafayette will cover decorations, Laurens you've got food, and I'll cover the drinks. In the count of nine, we split and start shopping"
The three nodded and pulled out their lists on their phones. They simultaneously checked the clock and made sure they had their keys and wallets. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7- Don't forget to be here by five- 8...9...Go!" And at that, the boys sprinted out the door one by one. John was the driver, Hamilton was in the passenger seat, Lafayette scrolled through his phone in the back with Hercules.

"Chips, and soft drinks, hmm doesn't seem that hard to find". Laurens looked at the list on his phone and began putting chips of all sorts, he looked at the nutrition and shrugged, throwing it into the cart. He went searching for the pop when he stumbled upon lingerie. He picked up the fabric, inspecting it, then a wicked grin blossomed onto his face, following by a quiet snicker before erupting in a sinister cackle.
This is truth or dare material. Must. Buy.
Laurens tossed the piece of clothing into the cart and continued on, whistling a tune.

"That asshole...broke my speaker and I still have to buy it. The guy didn't even pay me back" Hercules grumbled. He stared at the various speakers, trying to remember which speaker he had before plastered drunk Hamilton decided  it was a good idea to set it on fire, slurring something along the lines of  "This song is fire, lets make it more lit" before setting it aflame. Hercules smacked his head at the memory. He was going to make sure this time Hamilton wouldn't do anything too reckless. He test played the speakers until finally, finally, he was satisfied with one and called an employee to assist him.
"I'll make sure that bastard won't break it again". Hercules thought, glaring at the floor. "I'll make sure of it".

Lafayette pranced around the decoration isle, throwing various streamers and confetti sticks into the cart. He found the solo cups and ping pongs, then gleamed when he found glow sticks. " Oh mon Dieu! I need lots of these". He smiled, grabbing boxes and boxes of various different shaped glow sticks. "This party is going to be a glowing sensation!"

"I'll just take all of them" Hamilton grinned, grabbing every single bottle of tequila and vodka bottle he could get his hands on. He grabbed cases of beer, wine bottles, lime, salt, and spice. "You can't have a party without a case of booze!" He screamed to no one in particular. " I can't wait to get drunk as fuck and get laid!" Hamilton howled and laughed nervously when he saw a mother covering the ears of her daughter, glaring daggers at him and a man smiling.
"Was I too loud? Sometimes I get excited...booze is...great. I'll go" he laughed, grabbing his cart and made his way around the store, hoping he'd bump into Laurens or the other guys.

"Alright, I think we have everything. Do we have everything?" Everyone looked into their carts and after giving it a lazy search, they looked up, giving Hamilton a thumbs up. Hamilton nodded and the cashier called him up. "Sir, may I see an ID?" The bored teenage boy said with little to no enthusiasm as he took the ID card, barely giving it a glance before returning it to its owner.
He scanned his items and sloppily put them into the plastic bags.
" Total is 265.33" Hamilton took out his card and inserted it into the machine to pay.
"Thank you for shopping" he said monotoned. Hamilton nodded, and put his groceries into the cart, then stepped away from the line so that the other guys could pay.

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