PTTF - Chapter 4

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A/N - So I decided to post another chapter for y'all in appreciation for PTTF winning 'best plot' at the Rainbow Awards!!! I couldn't have done it without you peeps♥️
Thank you sxmmlu for choosing this book— means the world to me.
Also, Thira4ever was the one who nominated me for best plot so thank you my pumpkin🥺❤️
I know some of you guys are wanting the entire book posted up here, but sadly we'll have to wait for the results from the Gov. Please bear with me.
That's it for now I guess
-Lara xxx


Chapter 4

"What happens next?" I queried, shivering on my feet. The alarms stopped ringing, as Bryce and Chantelle glued their eyes on the television, hanging on to every word that formed on the lips of the new reporter.

"Do you think this was orchestrated?" Chantelle thought out loudly. She rubbed her chin anxiously, twirling the inhaler with her fingers. Bryce was lost in thought, tapping his feet on the ceramic floor, muttering under his breath.

"I don't know," he answered, after a long pause.
"Well it has to be—a volcano doesn't just blow up, it takes time. They show signs before erupting," I blabbered.

"If the moon can blow up on its own accord without giving us a heads-up, I'm pretty sure Nascetur can do the same," Bryce snapped.

"Mount Nascetur had been an active volcano since Abby was a toddler, they should've known the consequences when building a Government research laboratory in Shinyuki. There could've been anything lying around there. Nuclear weapons, bombs—anything and everything!" Chantelle cried in protest.

"Well, if you knew that, you should've gone and alerted them, Chan, aren't you a scientist yourself?" Bryce demanded getting up on his feet.



I stood in between them, bewildered by the argument that was happening in front of me.

"I hate to say this, but I agree with Abby. They still don't understand the gravity of the situation. Everything's turned into politics and greed for money and power it's sickening," Chantelle said infuriated, clutching fistfuls of the sofa's fabric.

"I can't believe we're really doing this," Bryce finally bolted, pushing me aside as he dashed to his room and banged the door close.

"Is everything fine? With the you and Bree?" I asked gently, in the hope that she wouldn't lash out at me.

"Us? Yes, why wouldn't it be?" She gave a nervous laugh, brushing off my question of concern.

I raised my eyebrows but didn't say anything. I guess there were some problems I had to solve within my family before I could save the world from monstrosity. Chan was still laying on the couch, switching channels on the television, holding back tears that threatened to spill at any moment.

"If the Prime Minister's..." I took a deep breath before continuing, sitting beside her, "dea—gone, then who's going to run the government; take his place?"

"We have a long line of ministers who'd be delighted to take the throne. Right now, I don't know who's trying to kill us; mother nature or our state officials," she answered gloomily.

"Pangaea's will go off the map in no time." I declared, grunting in frustration.

"Pangaea's just one. We have six other cities, and they've already crossed the finishing line. You can't expect the whole of 42's population to hoard themselves into this town. It's down-right ludicrous!" she finished, tossing the remote hard on the coffee table. She facepalmed, heaving a sigh as she dragged her feet into the pantry and disappeared.

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