PTTF - Chapter 11

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A/N - Just heard that NASA Scientists were arrested for warning about global warming. If we don't change our environmental impact in 3-5 years, we can't help the environment after that :/

The wind slapped hard on my face as Elliot drove his jeep fast over the potholes and bumps on the road, a vast grassland stretching to purple snowcapped mountains next to us.

I couldn't stop smiling. This was never the kind of beautiful I'd imagined. 42 was so much different; almost dead with nature.

I watched as the lotus flowers opened its petals in the little pond at the edge of the grassland, where Elliot and I stopped for a break, to breathe the fresh air swarming all around us.

"Looks like the first time you're seeing all of this." he commented, running his fingers in the water.

I sat on the grass next to him closely examining a tiny bee resting on the middle of the bloomed lotus.

"I don't remember the last time 42 saw any of this. Our wars; they destroyed everything." I said.

"Were you there to see one?" he asked, his hand now resting on a lotus pad.

I shook my head, "No, but I grew up witnessing natural disasters, my mom was a scientist and a geologist."


I mentally slapped myself in the face. I hadn't mentioned about the meteorite impact. It was a bit too odd to talk about tragic losses to a person you've just met.

"When our moon exploded back in 42, its fragments fell towards the planet like a meteorite shower. It hit our home as well. Whilst my sister and I survived, our parents died protecting us." I swallowed, my insides melting like butter on a hot pan.

But I've never seen butter. Or a hot pan.

My mind was playing sick tricks with me again.

"What's her name? Your mom's?" he asked, snapping the stalk of the flower as he offered it to me. I accepted it with a small giggle, the violet petals and its aroma filling my nostrils.

"Mariana Terrence Fairfax."

He looked startled. "No, that can't be." he stated.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"You're telling me you are Henry Fairfax's daughter? The famous astronaut Henry Fairfax?" he questioned surprisingly.

"How do you know my father?"

"When you mentioned your sister—Chantelle, I thought it was all a coincidence that she had the same name, but our Chantelle's a lawyer. But when you said your mother was Mariana, it all makes perfect sense—well, not exactly but it does." he explained.

"I still don't get what you're trying to say." I said.

"The Fairfax's, everyone knows them, they're worldwide famous for all the contributions they'd given on behalf of the planet and the solar system. But what makes me confused is, they only have a daughter, and that's Chantelle." he explicated.

I thought a bit hard on this. My mother said that Planet 42 was one of the fifty planets found similar to earth. And if there really was a Fairfax family living here, my family, this could only mean one thing.

Earth and planet 42 are parallel universes.

But why wasn't there an Abby living on Earth?

"Wait," I started, "do you know Cleo and Aiden?"

He scoffed at the questioned, sinking the lotus pad under water as he got up on his feet.

"There is a Cleo and Aiden on Earth, but it's quite a complicating story I'm not ready to share at the moment."

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