Part 1 betrayel

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im a noob at making storys and a lot of typos

() thought


The day started like any other day for our class 1-A cinnamon roll the day started like any other day with morning training but when he returnd to the domrs it was empty he washd up and showerd and caugth ready for class when he went to class and evryone was claring at him

"Hi guyss" sayd izuku but when he sayd that they just angerly sayd "shut up traiotr" ida, "why are you still here" uraka sayd angerly, but before they could continue aizawa used his capture scarf and quirk to take him to the main office.

When they reach the principals office deku wasent eve given the change to ask why he was there he was instendly askd by nezu "why dit you steal the files and give them to the league of villans" deku was supriste by this and askd "what are you talking about i ditent to anythink like that ".

Then nezu showd him a recording from a camera of him stealing them "how do ya explain this then" that isent me i never dit that "deku said while still being shocked by what he saw then all migth came and said angerly" give one for all back do me its not a quikr a villain shud have "" but i ditent do it "shouted deku but after beign pnchd by all migth in the gut he knew no one would belive him soo he just gave one for all do all migth with all migth sayng angerly "i know a succesor mutch more fitting than a traitor like you" deku ditent even say anythink he just gave oen for all back to one for all and just let them put him into a police car.

But before that mirio came with 4 others eri was on his shoulder nejire, tamaki and bakugo mirio sayd sadly to deku" we belive you that you ditent steal the files and the others with me that belive your innocent "when deku head this a tear was on his face and he askd saddly "why do you belive me when even all migth dosen't belive me" thats beacuse i know you would never steal the filles "anwserd mirio," i known you for my entire life and i know you dam nerd and that you weren 't the one hu stole the files "yelled bakugo a bit angerly when deku saw that the other two ditent say why they belivde he is innocent and saw they wouldent anwsre even if he askd he just sayd while a inocent smile sayd to them both "thanks guys for beliving that i was innocent" then he walkd into the car and it drove away to tartures.

When the car was out of sigth nejire fell onto her knees holding her two hands infront of her chest while cryng and they just were there before nejire caugth up and sayd while cryng "come on we have to go back to school" mirio, tamaki, bakugo had angry expressions on theyr face and bakugo swore inside his head (i will to evrythink in my power to prove that the dam nerd is innocent) the other news of this and they also swore that they would do the same inside the head and they went back to ua while 3 of the 5 were angry and the other two cried.

Nejire belivde that deku is innocent beacuse she developd feelings for him after the overhaul figth and was extremly sad that her crush was framed and sent to the prisone where the worst criminals are held (i hope that he is proven innocent and then i can confess to him that i love him) she sayd to herself in her thougths.

When deku arivde in tartures the two guard with him askd why a kid his age is in this prison "i was framed by somone with a transformation quirk that i stole ua files on the teachers and students quirks and info" he sayd while cring and looking down when the guard saw this he noticde that he wasent faking that he was sad but was actuly sad "welp kid i belive you beacuse i can see that you are actuly sad and i can tell that you arent the kind of person to do that my name is felix the other guard is steeve "dekuu was shockd by this and askd them" why do ya belive me soo easely when my friends and teachers ditent "while cryng and yeling" beacuse i can tell you are hurt, depreesed, sad and betrayed by your voice "sayd felix when deku heard this he was happy that sommone actuly belivde him then felix sayd"we will protect you beacuse ehrn the others learn you are a ex ua student they will try to kil you and i will tell some other guards abotu your story and why you are here "all deku could say was" thanks "and when he reachd his sell it was a 1 person cell and felix sayd "i will go tell teh other guards about you and we will protect you", "thanks" is all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison begun.i will go tell teh other guards about you and we will protect you "," thanks "is all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison begun.i will go tell teh other guards about you and we will protect you "," thanks "is all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison all deku could say and then his life in prison begun.

the sin hero deku  (nejirexdeku) betrayed dekuWhere stories live. Discover now