Part 2 training and inocent

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welp part 2 time and im just gona start off with deku training with the sins

1 YEAR meliodas 

Training with meliodas he learnd how to use a sword and i was changed into a demon ,then he learnd how to activade his demon mark and its diffrent forms and he learnd all of meliodases abiletys and upgradet full counter to perfect counter witch counters all attacks and learnd counter vanish witch just makes teh attacks long range ones go away at the end of his training Meliodas gave deku lostvayne  and he showd him how to use it(also teachd a bit of his perverdet stuff to deku secretly).

2 YEAR ban

Ban traineed deku how to use his sacred tresure Courechouse and how to use it do figth and gave deku his imortal body to some extedn he still can die but its only when all of his 7 hearts are destroyd age dosent kill him,he learnd bans magic snatch and how to steal organs plus physical energi and other stuff and made him a bit less shy(plus traind him how to cook secretly).

3 YEAR merlin

Merlin traind deku in the arts of magic and he learnd fast some of merlins basic spells and later down teh year some of her advanced spell she gave him her sacred tresure the morning star aldan witch increaste his magic control furter rivaling merlin,also hes less embaraste infront of females now becuse of merlin(magic he knows xtrmened ray,aport,infinety,absolute cancel,magic cancel, location,perfect cube,double impact,fake ball,fire,wind,ice,earth spells,teleportation and purgatory venom)plus thougth him a lot of knowledge she knows.

4 YEAR gowther 

Gowther taugth deku how to use his magic invasion and gave him his sacred treasure herritt deku learnd how to go into peoples mind and give them nigthmares or good dreams ,changing memories,deleting memories and showing others memories, he also became a bit more skilful with magic thanks do gowther.

5 YEAR king

King  traind deku how to use his sacred tresure  spirit spear chasteifol and its other forms and its true forms, king made deku part fairy soo his currently 1/3 fairy .He also taught deku his magic abilety disaster ,levitation,heart reading(witch aloves him to read peoples hearts and thougths)and status promotion [witch lets him promot any small scratch to a fatal injurie].

6 YEAR diane

Diane traind deku in the arts of droles dance and gave him his sacred treasuere the war hammer gideon ,she made deku 1 part giant making him 1/4 giant,she helpd him larn her special abilety heavy metal and how to figth in his giant form.

7 YEAR elizabeth

Elizabeth taugth deku how to use the goddes race powers like arc and omega arc plus he learnd from her the abilety to heal of the goddes race,she made deku 1 part goddes witch makes him 1/5 goddes [she also helpd deku become more comftroble  with talking with beutiful females and in this training he thougth elizabeht lookd like nejire witch confused him why he thaugth that].

8 YEAR escanor

Escanor taugth deku how to be more pridful and how to control his abilety sunshine and his magic attacks and not to be soo unconfitend beacuse  he has mostly all of theyr powers soo be proud of your power [he also caught a amulet from merlin to help supres his sunshine abilety in day time] and gave him his divine axe rhitta

The end of his training

All rigth kid we traind you the best we could and its now time to go back to the real world this made deku sad and askd "will i ever see you again i dont wana leave any of you" of course youl see su well be inside your mind after all" anwserd meliodas now its time to wake up but before that evryone hugh him" they all went and hughd him and he hugd back "welb cya later guys"sayd deku to the sins and next think he noticde that he was inside his cell and when felix noticde he woke up he went inside and askd him how he was doing and he noticde that he had changed he was more musculer and he was taller  he was 155cm or 5,5 feet before now he is 188 cm tall or 6,2 feet and his hair had some  blonde tips at the end of the hair before he could ask deku what hapend he rememberd somthink and told deku"you have visitors they have been tring to visit you sleepy head for 8 days now theyr curently here soo lets go" okay let me just but on some better clothes " anwserd deku ,after he was changed and when he reachd the visitor space hu he saw almsot made him explode with anger and reveal his demon mark infront of him was aizawa ,nezu and midnigth "what do you guys want to rub  it in that your free while im lockd up"sayd deku wtih a sligth demonic voice, this scarde them but nezu anwserd "no bakugo found proof that you were inocent and then we checkd all the securety camerac and saw that toga was actuly the culpret "while scrathink his neck"so"anwserd deku with still the same angry face and demonic face "we wand you do come back into ua beacuse your inocent "sayd nezu while shaking in terror"fine but on 3 contidions"sayd deku"and what conditions are they"askd nezu curiesly."1 I will get a sound proof room and it will be bigger than the dorm rooms" sounds easy enogh "anwserd nezu"2 i dont wanna be in class1-A dorms  beacuse of how evryone exept 1 there belivde i wasent the traitor "where to ya wana stay then"askd nezu confusde "if the big 3 aka mirio,nejire and tamaki acree i would like to go do class 3-A dorms "okay sounds simpel enogh"anwserd nezu relived that he diten't ask somthink dangerous "3 if i have a request in the future you must complete it "this shocked the 2  teachers and nezu but still nezu agreed to this"alryde just let me go say goodbye to the guys i made friends with "but as he sayd this nezus phone ringd and he anwserd it what he heard shocked him"we have to go now"sayd nezu in a hurry "why" askd deku "beacuse class1-A class-1B the big 3 and all migth are loosing a figth aganst the league of villans in the U,S,J are you coming"askd nezu in a rush "felix say goodbye and thanks to the others for guarding me here "felix acreed then deku used aport to change his clotches to a green shirt with a hoodie and where a part of his arm was shown witch had meliodas wrath tatto on it wehn the others noticde this they askd"what was that" il explain later now im off to the   U,S,J then he puuld the hoodie on and teleported away witchs shocked everyone there.


All migth was facing 3 difrent colord nomus of the hiest tier even in the high tier nomus a red ,green ad a blue one, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ITS TIME TO DIE ALL MIGTH AND QUESTION HOWS YOUR SUCCESOR DOING"sayd shigaraki  with a  menaiacle laugh"hes in prison beacuse of you" anwserd furiosly"no beacuse of you beacuse you ditent belive he was inocent" anwserd shigaraki witch made all migth fell more quilty than he alredy was(im sorry everyone im sorry that i faild you and im sorry that i ditent belive you young midorya) but as he just accepted his faigth that he was dead an evryone coulden't see through the smoke they askd "is he dead noo i-it cant be" with a horrifide face,but as the smoke cleard they saw all migth there but a new figure appeard with a dragon tatto on his left shoulder the figure sayd"sate sate i been gone for 4 weeks and this is how thinks turn out im disapointend "sayd the figure while wayving his hand back and forth"you it couldent be young midorya"askd all migth shocked when the others heart this they were in disbelife while bakugo sayd "welcome back you dam nerd" while miro and tamaki were smiling happely and nejire was cryng tears of joi beacuse her crush was back ,then he removde the hoodie to show his face then they confirmd he was izuku midorya aka deku all exept 5 there were mad that he was here  while they 4 out of 5 were happy and the other was shocked then deku grapd all migth and suddely appeard in front of them and sayd to them "hya guys dit ya miss me" with a brigth full smile.


demon mark tier 1 form can control 

demon mark tier 2 can control just dosent use[the one witch covers half of your body in darknes

full demon mark [can control and seus it more than  tier 2 mark beacuse its more effectiv and helpful]

assault form can control for only 21 minutse then he gooes bersarke

demon king form can control it barly but only for 1 minut other whis he self destructs

hell blaze,enchant hell blaze,divine 1000 slashes, lostvayne abiletys,perfect counter 

snatch,physical hunt,fox hunt and its forms, a kinda immortal body [ass long 1 heart ramains deku wont die]expert cooking abilety that surpases UAs coock, 

disaster, damage promotion fairy form ,levitation,and heart and mind reading,

sunshine,cruel sun,teh one,the ultiamte one[he uses infinety with merlins abilety that lets her life foreever with the ultimate one soo he wont die beacuse it still damages him and takes away his life force for its power]

infinety,avsolute cancel and mroe of magic attacks,

earth bending,droles dance,heavy metal, giant form, 

arc and its other forms,goddes form,healing powers,and wings

inavsion,and all its mind control and changing affects,

plus all of the sins sacred treasures and theyr abiletys

welp this is part two soo yeah cya next time on part 3 U,S,J battle and girlfriend?

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