4 - The Stockroom on the 6th Floor

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⚠️ Content Warning: This chapter has some mature content that some people may not be comfortable reading. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.


Dr. Hyun Bin collapsed himself on one of the sofas in the attendings' lounge. It was only 9:30 AM but he had already finished a four-hour surgery. It definitely wore him out, hence the lying down on the sofa in the common room.

The door opened, revealing another worn out doctor: Dr. Son Ye Jin.

Dr. Hyun Bin immediately sat properly, and she couldn't help but laugh when she witnessed his momentary state of panic.

She was still wearing her iconic pastel orange scrub cap decorated with spring flower patterns. It totally complemented their dark blue scrubs. She took her seat in one of the sofas, effortlessly looking like a Van Gogh masterpiece.

One week after that moment in her apartment, Dr. Hyun and Dr. Son have decided to become civil to each other, since they're almost breathing the same air in the hospital every single day. When he asked her back then if they can be considered as 'friends' again, a sly smile formed in her lips, "We'll see." She said, still coy as ever.

"What's for breakfast?" Dr. Son said, referencing his early morning surgery.

"Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting." he said, "You?"

"Esophageal Atresia Repair." she said while looking at him, "On a 3-day-old baby."

"Badass." Dr. Hyun said, amazement evident in his face.

"I know," Dr. Son proudly declared, as she remembered the joy she felt in her heart when she finished that surgery earlier, "I reconnect babies' esophagus for breakfast." she said.

Dr. Hyun and Dr. Son just shared a laugh, and he just stared at her in silence. When he said she's a badass, he meant it. He has always admired pediatric surgeons for their amazing skills, because operating on adults is one thing, but operating on tiny humans is another. He once saw a pediatric surgeon operate on a heart the size of an olive— he couldn't forget that ever since.

Dr. Son went to brew herself a cup of coffee, and she casually asked Bin, "Coffee?"


With her back facing him, her nape was left exposed. Even from a distance Bin could see the very thing that could kill him in an instant: Yejin's nape.

He remembered how he used to shower her with little kisses all over, and how she would get all ticklish with the sensation of his lips against her nape.

Yejin's nape was his Achilles' heel. His waterloo.

His breathing tightened when he watched her fingers delicately untied her orange scrub cap, letting her jet black hair loose on her back.

She poured the brewed coffee in two cups— one for her and one for him. Not knowing Bin is already behind her, she turned and his presence startled her, making her jump and spill some of the coffee. Dr. Hyun Bin in dark blue scrubs was a sight to behold, and seeing him this up close made her knees wobble.

It wasn't until Dr. Hyun took the cups of coffee from her and put it on the table that she felt the excruciatingly hot coffee that spilled in her hand and in her scrubs.

He took out his handkerchief, wiped her hand and the obvious wet part of her scrubs, accidentally brushing over the part he shouldn't.

The sexual tension is palpable. Intense.

"Fuck, that's hot!" Dr. Son exclaimed. Her eyes widened to a literal O shape when she realized what she just said, "I meant the coffee. The coffee is really hot."

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