9 - Twenty Questions

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⚠️ Content Warning: This chapter has some mature content that some people may not be comfortable reading. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.


Dr. Son woke up to the sound of a screaming Ae-Rin.

Bin and Yejin slept with each of their arms enveloping her in embrace. So imagine Yejin's surprise when she hears her child screaming "Eomma!" on the top of her lungs and she wasn't beside her. She opened her eyes, looking at whose torso she is hugging right now.

She realized she was hugging Dr. Hyun, who is still peacefully sleeping beside her. She should've known in her subconscious that it wasn't anymore Ae-Rin that she was hugging. It was impossible that her 6-year-old has that hard torso!

"Eomma!!" Waking back to her senses, she removed her arms on him and sat up, facing her daughter that's covering her eyes, "What are you doing to my favorite ahjussi?"

Ae-Rin pouts, with her arms now tightly crossed and looking at Yejin as if she mistakenly cooked her pet goldfish.

She immediately stood up and pretended nothing happened. "What are you saying, Love?"

Yejin picked up her not-so-little baby and Ae-Rin looked at her with an angry gaze, her lips turning into a frown. She moved her face closer to her mom's and whispered, "Eomma, why are you hugging Ahjussi? Huh?"

She laughed at her daughter. Yejin loves that she took so much from her, but Yejin can't deal with Ae-Rin also getting her sassiness gene. She just playfully returned her daughter's angry gaze.

"I'm not hugging him, I'm checking his vitals if he's still alive!" she lied, knowing well she can get away with it.

Ae-Rin wiggled herself out of her mom's arms and she ran to the bed to wake up a sleeping Dr. Hyun.

"Ahjussi, wake up!"

When Bin opened his eyes, Ae-Rin was the first one he saw. His day just started and it was already complete. Ae-Rin jumped over to the bed to force Bin to get up. She grabbed his hand and pulled him. Bin decided to play with his daughter so he didn't budge. The child now stood up on the top of the bed, pulling Bin with all her might. Proving unsuccessful, Ae-Rin fell on the bed laughing, while her father stifled his giggles.

Yejin just watched Bin and Ae-Rin from the door frame, and she immediately want this to be their everyday reality.

'Come on, Ahjussi!" Ae-Rin pleaded to Bin, to which he then obliged. Bin stood up and he let Ae-Rin lead him out of the room.

"Good morning," He said simply to Yejin. Her mouth dropped as her heart did. She remembered the beautiful moment they shared last night, and she knew it could not have been easy for Bin to set aside the resentment he's feeling towards her.

"Good morning." She replied with a smile on her face that reminded him of old times.

Their mini stare off broke when Ae-Rin pulled his arm again, "Ahjussi, come on now!"

"TA-DA!" Yejin heard her daughter say, so she went to follow them in the kitchen. A bowl of cereal lay near the edge. The spilled milk and the pieces of cereal all over the counter indicated that this is a work of a 6 year old who cannot reach the counter enough just yet. "I made you breakfast, Ahjussi!"

Bin's smile stretched from ear to ear, "You made this for me, Ae-Rin-ah?" He grabbed the bowl and they all went to the dining room.

"Yes, Ahjussi!" Ae-Rin said, "Thank you because you bought me dolls!" That's when he saw Ariel and 3 other mermaid dolls staring at him as he ate his cereal.

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