12 - House No. 1125

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⚠️ Content Warning: This chapter has some mature content that some people may not be comfortable reading. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.

Bin had to open the door on Yejin's side and lead her out of the car since she hasn't moved nor say anything for the past 5 minutes. She grabbed his arm and went outside of the car, looking at the big house in front of her.

Bin was getting more nervous by the second that he may have rushed things too much, "Yejin-ah.... It's okay if you're not ready to—"

"No Bin, I'm ready." She looked at him intently as she said her next words, "I'm just so happy I didn't know what to say. Did I hear you correctly? Do you really want to move in with me and Ae-Rin? In this house?"

Yejin couldn't hide the delight in her voice which gave Bin relief. "Of course. You're my family."

They went inside the empty house. It has a contemporary design and is painted in white, with several wood accents. There was nothing except the cabinets, shelves, and the bathroom basics. They walked through the spacious house, hand in hand.

She stopped again when they reached the living room. Yejin stared at the empty wall, still thinking if this was all a dream. She realized it wasn't when she felt Bin hugging her from behind.

"Do you think the portrait would go well in that wall?" he asked and she giddily nodded in response.

Bin hung the portrait in the wall and they stared how it beautifully belonged in that exact area.

"I bought this house when I started my fellowship, because I thought it was time to pull all my shit together. But I realized I can't live in this house alone. It felt so empty."


"The silence.. The solitary...Going home to an empty house.. It would kill me."

"I'm so sorry, Bin.. I'm really—" Bin stopped her from making another apology.

"You don't have to say sorry, Love. Let's not bring it up again, okay? That was all in the past." Bin explained with a soft voice.

He continued, "It wasn't until I met Ae-Rin when I went back to this house. I realized that maybe it's really time to make this house a home. I realized that I want to wake up every morning by your side, eat every meal with you, spend my everyday with you.

...Yejin, I only want this house if you're in it."

Yejin's heart almost exploded in her chest due to everything she's feeling. Extreme happiness, excitement, longing. As if every feeling she kept inside for the past 7 years poured out like a broken dam.

She closed their distance and kissed him with so much passion. He returned the kiss with the same intensity and they found themselves backed against the wall once again. He carried her so easily and pinned her on the wall, still not breaking their kisses. She wrapped her legs on his torso for support and her arms on his neck. Heat building up between the two of them.

"Take me upstairs," Yejin said hurriedly, as if a second more without his touch would make her go crazy.

"There's no bed upstairs." Bin said in between kisses.

"Fuck....." Yejin went down and lightly pushed him, still guiding him towards the stairs. She pushed him lightly in the shoulders, making him sit on the fourth step of the stairs. She remained standing in front of him as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. That sight will surely be forever etched in his mind. He did the same for his clothes, throwing it anywhere—He honestly doesn't care at this point. She went and straddled him, still showering him with her hot wet kisses. Her hands found themselves in his hair, while his are roaming around her body—feeling every inch of her.

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