5 - Save Me, Doctor

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When Yejin opened her eyes, the unfamiliar ceiling made her panic—only to calm down three seconds later, remembering vividly how she was not in her own apartment. It dawned to her how they stayed until 2 AM in the stockroom, talking a little and not talking a lot.

When they felt exhausted, Dr. Hyun offered her a ride, and since she doesn't have a car yet, she went ahead and took his offer. But little did she know that they shouldn't be left together in enclosed spaces just yet, because the minute they reached the parking lot to their apartment, they were full on making out. Like sex-crazed teenagers. They looked at each other's eyes, and they immediately went out of the car, into his apartment.

And that's the reason why the ceiling she's looking at now is unfamiliar.

Dr. Son clasped the blanket tightly over her body. Her bare shoulders are showing, so she pulled the blanket for more coverage. On the other end of the blanket was Dr. Hyun, who was still sleeping soundly. Her successful attempt at pulling the blanket and wrapping herself with it meant the opposite for Dr. Hyun, whose torso and thighs are now exposed for display. The only thing that's covered in him is his thing.

Her eyes widened as she realized that he was naked underneath, just as she is.

'Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Yejin! Do not look at him or you might go blind!' Her continuing pleas were however contradicted by herself, because five seconds later and she was ready to give up her sense of sight for a short peak.

He looked like someone who spent two hours a day in the gym. Yejin wondered, since when did he become so muscular, and where did he get the time to work out?

She stared at the toned muscles in his biceps.. Down to his pecs.. And down to his rock hard six pack that was calling her, 'Yejin! Touch me!'

She shook her head, trying to knock some sense into her.

'Stop looking, Yejin! Stop!' She thought to herself, but looking anyway. Her mouth was left agape when she saw something she shouldn't have seen. The blanket was covering it, but still. 'Oh. Someone's awake. REALLY AWAKE.'

Dr. Hyun felt a cold brush of air in his thigh. He opened his eyes, but was still dozy. He saw that he was barely covered, so he grabbed the blanket and slightly pulled it into him. When a force on the other end disallowed him, the memories of last night immediately dawned on him. He looked at the woman beside him, and she looked away because of embarrassment.

They played that little game of blanket tug of war to cover themselves.

"Ya," Dr. Son said, and Dr. Hyun looked at her, "I need to go now.."

"Sure," he said simply.

"Uhm," Her eyes roamed around the room, scanning for something, "Have you seen my clothes?"

She sat on the bed, still holding the blanket over her body, but leaving her back bare.

"I can't remember where you removed it," Bin said, to which Yejin replied, "You. You removed it, remember?"

"Oh, yeah.." Dr Hyun spaced out for a moment to think, "It's probably in the living room."

"Right." The two doctors are enveloped in awkwardness, contrary to the feeling of familiarity that enveloped them during the night they spent together.

"I need to... get it." Yejin said, slowly pulling the blanket once again. Bin pulled it back.

"I already saw that," He failed to stifle a naughty chuckle, "Why are you so shy?"

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