17 - Sweet Deviations

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⚠️ Content Warning: This chapter has some mature content that some people may not be comfortable reading. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.


"Dr. Hyun."

Bin turned.

He literally dropped the apple he was eating at that moment, but that's the least of his concerns. All rational thoughts left his body when she saw Yejin, meters away from him, wearing her white lab coat.

And nothing else.

To say that her beauty was ethereal is an understatement.

She looked angelic in that white coat that hugged her perfect body, giving him a peek of something heavenly, while the devilish smile she held on her face was making him want to sin.

For each step he took towards his woman, she took a step back. Her alluring eyes remained transfixed to his, knowing damn well she got him now on the tip of her finger.

He took a step forward.

She took a step back.

He took another step forward.

She took another step away from him but she already hit the wall, telling her there's nowhere else to go. She gave him a small smile as he took the last step before wrapping his arms in her waist.

Faces dangerously close to each other, his heavy breathing was like music to her ears.

"I have a gift  for you." she whispered in his ear, making sure that her soft lip touched his earlobe. She felt his hold onto her tightened, and she decided to provoke this man some more by tracing her finger from his jawline down to his muscular bicep. 

She swore she saw him gulp.

She smiled suggestively at him, her inner seductress wanting to take the lead of this torturous ordeal. He leaned his arms on the wall, effectively trapping her. Deep in the feeling of arousal, he replied, "I'd rather unwrap this gift."

Losing the last bit of sanity he has left, he softly brushed his lip against hers. He let out a soft groan, letting her know how a mere contact of their lips are sending him into overdrive. He would give everything to take her right here, right now.

His arms that trapped her minutes ago travelled to the lapel of her white coat. His touch burned to her skin, as his hands were intentionally brushing the bare skin of her chest. His grab on the lapel lowered down to her midriff as he traced wet kisses on the uncovered exposed parts. Yejin can only throw her head back at the pleasure that his lips dawned into her. Before she knew it, the white garment was already being pushed off her body.

Naked under his masculine presence, she was getting frustrated by the fact that he's still clothed.

Why is he still dressed? She slowly lifted his shirt, still not breaking the stare.

He wants her now, as proven by the obvious hardness pressed against her body. 

She wants him just as much.

She felt his gaze run over her.

Eyes dark and so full of desire.

So full of hunger. So full of heat. So full of passion. So full of love.

Yejin took her time, licking his lower lips at a pleasurable pace. His tongue met hers and suddenly, roles reversed and her lips became the one being licked.

Few moments later and his tongue had entered the parted space between her mouth. Their tongues were no longer fighting for dominance. Instead, both were seeking union.  His hands eventually found themselves on her body, caressing every bit of her. His lips marking each part as his.

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