Rock war!

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You were walking alongside Eddie who was pushing his bike along. The air was getting colder and you wished you'd brought a jacket with you. Goosebumps prickled along your arms and you rubbed them.

"No, I love being your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots have taken any longer?" Richie asked the group, sarcastically. The cold breeze was getting to you and you shot Richie a glare. Eddie noticed this.

"Alright shut up Richie." Eddie hissed at the Trashmouth, looking back to see your expression lighten.

"Yeah. Shut up Richie." Stan repeated, smiling at you.

"Oh okay, trash the Trashmouth, I get it. Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween." Richie said, circling you all on his bike, his patterned shirt flowing behind him.

"She didn't imagine it... I-I-I S-saw s-something too." Bill stuttered.

"You saw blood too?" Stan asked, standing still. The rest of the Losers stopped, holding their bikes still.

"Not blood. I saw G-G-Georgie. It seemed so real, but there was this..."

"The clown." Eddie finished. Oh fuck. You looked down at the ground, trying to rid your mind of the conversation at hand. "Yeah I saw him too." Eddie added.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie joked. Your head stayed down, looking at your shoes.

"Beep Beep Richie." Stan said.

You heard yelling and looked up to see a blue car and a bike. "Oh shit, that's Belch Huggins' car." Richie said.

Belch. He was friends with Hockstetter. You shivered at the thought of that day in the alley way.

"We should probably get outta here." Eddie said, beginning to push his bike.

"Yeah." Richie said I'm agreeable.

"What isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?" Bill asked. He turned to you and clarified, "T-The other homeschooled kid."

"Yeah that's Mike's." Eddie confirmed.

"We have to help him." You said, thinking about what Hockstetter and his friends could do to him. You starts running towards the opening. You got there first and saw Belch, Bowers and Victor Criss pushing Mike down into some raw me. You winced in disgust. You noticed that Hockstetter wasn't there. That's funny. Where is he? You looked over to the bushes around you to see if he was hiding in them and you thought you saw a red-haired figure waving at you. You shook your head, ignoring it. You picked up a rock and threw it at Bowers, it landing sharp on his forehead, leaving a cut.

"Nice throw." Stan said, running to your side.

"Thanks." The rest of the Losers came into the clearing, Eddie placing his hand in the small of your back, concern on his face.

"Oh, Y/N and Bevvy. You Losers are trying too hard. They'll do you, you just have to ask nicely, like I did." He said, motioning around his crotch. You gagged in disgust and felt ashamed, this reminding you of Hockstetter. You were quickly cut out of your thoughts by the screams of Ben and Eddie, lifting their arms and throwing rocks at Bowers.

"What the fuck." Bowers spat.

"Rock War!" Richie yelled, before getting hit in the head. Ouch.

You reached to the ground to pick up some more rocks, lobbing them at the three boys. You watched Eddie jump into the water as Mike waded over to this side of the stream. Eddie was yelling and throwing rocks- one hit Belch in the stomach, causing him to double over.

Victor and Belch eventually ran off, leaving Bowers on the floor. You saw the rest of the Losers help each other and Mike out of the clearing. You stood by Richie's side as he yelled,

"Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!"

You both flipped him off and ran towards the rest of the Losers.

Updated May 10th 2020

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