Help Bev

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The second you got in the door you ran to your phone. You picked it up and dialed Bill. You heard it ringing.


"Bill? Hey, this is Y/N."

"What do you w-want Y/N? Come to tempt us into another t- trap?" He spoke with a harsh tone. Ouch.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you guys. I just wanted to make some friends. An-and it wasn't a trap. He lied. I haven't seen him for years."

You heard a sigh from the other side of the line. "Okay Y/N. I'm sorry too. What happened?"

"He's got Beverly, Bill. I'm so sorry. I tried but.."

There was a gasp from the other side of the line.

"It's okay Y/N. Stan is at mine now, I'll pick up Richie on the way. I'll meet you at Neibolt."

He hung up.

You then dialed Ben's number.


"Ben, it's Y/N. It's got Beverly."

"What? How do you know?"

"I saw her Ben, I tried to help her but I couldn't reach and he was there and I..."

"I'm on my way Y/N."

A tone rung.

You then dialed Mike's number.

"Hello? Mike Hanlon speaking."

"Mike, it's Y/N. My dad- uh. It. Pennywise has Beverly. We have to help her."

"Say no more Y/N. I'm on my way."
"Also Y/N." Mike said, "it's nice to hear from you, you've been awfully quiet the last month. This brought a smile to your face.

He hung up.

Bill, Richie, Mike, Ben, Stan. That left.


You heard the ringing.


"E-Eddie it's me, it's Y/N."

You heard a sigh and a sniffle from the other line.

"He's got Beverly, Eddie. We have to go and save her."

No response.

"P-Please Eddie." You spoke, hoarsely, your voice breaking.

"I'll meet you there." He said, hanging up.

Updated May 10th 2020

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