The Light

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Your head ached as you looked up. You saw Richie running into another tunnel with Eddie.
"They'll be fine." You thought. You looked around the cold, damp cistern and watched your father run after Bill as he jumps into a pool of water. You had lost sight of Beverly, Ben and Mike, but they were fine. As long as they weren't here.

"Dad!" You yelled. The clown, now grown to a larger size with claws and more legs, turned to growl at you. You had a strong, angry frown on your face as you stared down your father.

"Ah. My dear. little. itty. bitty. Y/N." You father mocked, stepping towards you after each word. He let out a howl of laughter and lifted his head.

"Enough Dad. We've come to kill you. For good." You spat. Your fathers head lowered, now staring at you. His bright, orange eyes glowed as a light smirk filled his cheeks.

"Oh Y/N. And how exactly are you going to do that? Little smokey lied to you- he can't kill me. You can't kill me. No one can kill me." His voice echoed through the tunnels. You were hoping you could buy the Losers some time to run and get out of here. "Look at you, Y/N." Your father said, gesturing a claw to your figure. "You're weak. You look almost-" he paused, a grossed look on his face, "human." He growled at you, disappointment in his eyes. You shook your head, ignoring his harsh words. "If only you had taken my advice all those years ago, demon. You could've joined me. We would've been unstoppable." He continued, you looked down at your sodden shoes. "I could've taught you to harness your powers. You could've been the new... me!" He echoed through the chamber. Your stomach flipped at the thought of being like him.

"No." You whispered.

"What was that?" Your father asked, mockingly, slowly edging closer towards you. "Speak up." He spat again.

"I said no." You said more defiantly. Your father just giggled, shaking his head vigorously.

"Speak. Up." He whispered to you, his voice causing the hairs on your arms to stand up.

"I SAID NO!" You yelled, the familiar warmth running through your veins. The rocks on the ceiling above your father began to fall, hitting him on the head. He winced lightly before turning back towards you.

"Oh. I see. You have had some training in your abilities. But." He began, his laughter erupting. "Moving a few rocks isn't going to kill me Y/N. You know that." You frowned, knowing that you couldn't defeat him. You glanced up at him, his eyes had returned to blue and for a moment- just a moment- he didn't look like a psychopathic clown. He was just- your dad. But no. Those words fell from his lips and sent blades to your heart.

"Blood is thicker than water, Y/N."

You hissed, faving away from him. A low chuckle left his throat and a surge of strength flowed through your body.

"Yeah Dad. You're right. But the thing is- they're my blood." You told him, looking at the scar- the oath- on your hand. You looked up at him, your eyes now glowing the familiar orange.

"And you're nothing but water to me."

The usual warmth that flowed through your veins was now replaced with an aching burn- but a good burn. You felt a sharp pain in your hand and looked down at your scar, it too was glowing orange. It was almost as if light was escaping through every creak and crack in your body. You embraced the light and let it flow. You could feel yourself being lifted into the air. It was almost as if you were in the dead lights again. But, you didn't feel weak or controlled because you were the one controlling it. The power was rich and bright and you could sense the slightest ounce of fear coming from your father.

You looked down at him, still in his giant form, but now you had risen to above his height. You could feel a new power in you, different than moving rocks or objects or manipulating your form. You could only feel the light. And it's strength and brilliance.

You raised your hands to your sides, the power bubbling into your finger tips. You threw your hands forwards, a bright orange stream of light shooting from your hands and blinding your father. He lifted his claws to cover his face and you felt the power grow. You flew closer to him, still towering above his height, and continued forcing the light onto him.

Unbeknownst to you, he had lifted another of his claws and swung it to hit your middle. You felt the warmth leave your body, leaving you with a cold, empty form. Your body hit the ground and you let out a grunt as your head hit a rock. You felt darkness. Your eyes fluttered shut.

"Blood is thicker than water" | Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Where stories live. Discover now