Let's Kill This Fucking Clown

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You tried to stand up, your left leg aching, let's hope it's not broken. You glanced up the large hole/ tunnel you had just fallen down, looking at the smooth walls. There's no way you could climb this. You looked around for something to help you climb. Nothing.

"You could be all that I am- and more." His words rung in your head. You closed your eyes and felt a warm heat flow through your veins. It was brightness and warmth and didn't feel evil at all. You opened your eyes to see your hand full of balloons- oh for fuck's sake. Oh well. It'll do. You grasped tightly only the strings, willing them to be strong enough to carry you. You looked up at the entrance and say your father, dangling in front of you, talking to the Losers.

"... he sees the ghost." Your father said, turning to see you, holding the balloons. You felt so much anger and hatred towards him and felt the warmth flow through you again. Your father looked at you, watching your eyes turn orange, his own returning to blue. He opened his mouth and gasped.


You pulled him by the legs, willing to fall with him to protect your friends. You squeezed your eyes shut and prepared for impact. But nothing happened. You felt a warm pair of hands around your wrist, followed by yelling.

"Help her up!" Eddie's voice yelled. You felt lots of arms begin to haul you up from the pit, pulling you over the edge. You were pulled on top of Eddie, both of your cheeks flushing. Again, you felt a pair of hands at either side of your waist and a light kiss was placed on your lips. This feeling of warmth and brightness wasn't like the ones with your powers- it was pure and beautiful and... perfect. You heard a cough, looking up you saw Richie wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Beep Beep Richie!" All the Losers yelled.

"Blood is thicker than water" | Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Where stories live. Discover now