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Eddie looked at you in desperation, watching as It's mouth was opening further back, exposing hundreds of teeth. It was going to kill Eddie. You had to do it. You had to save him. Them. Everyone. Derry.

"DAD STOP!" You screamed.

The creature closed its mouth and turned to face you, a grim smirk on its face. You were met with the stares of all the Losers. Their mouths wide open.

"Y/N. You did so well. Just as I asked. You brought them to me." Your father said, nodding his head, a bell noise echoing.

No. That's a lie.

You looked at Bill and saw tears in his eyes and- betrayal. Richie was now looking at the floor and muttering "Fuck." Eddie was holding his arm- it was at a funny angle- probably broken. You saw tears stream down his cheeks as he looked at you with a twisted face. So much anger. Hatred. Sadness.

"G-Guys. I- I wanted to tell you but-" You stuttered.

"You never told us. How could you?" Bill spoke quietly, but loud enough for you to hear.

"I thought I'd made some friends and I didn't want to lose them. To lose you all. To lose-" Your gaze met Eddie's. He shook his head at you.

"You're just like It. That thing. That.... monster." Eddie spat, turning his nose up at you. Your heart shattered. You felt empty. He called you a monster.

"Now now children." Your father growled. "Let's say our goodbyes, yes?" He laughed, dragging you backwards, knocking you off your feet. Your chin hit the floor with a thud and you felt a warm liquid run down your face. You then felt yourself being dragged backwards. You felt numb. You were being dragged down the well and back to the cistern. But you didn't care. All you could hear were his words.


Updated May 10th 2020

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