Return To Neibolt

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"Bill wait!" You yelled, reaching through gate of Neibolt. The familiar house towered above you.

"It's m-my fault." Bill said, sadness covering his face.

"No. Bill. Let us come with you. You're gonna need all of our help." You told him, stepping closer.

"I- I cant ask you g-guys to do this." He said, his voice breaking. You just shook your head and took his hand in yours. You turned back to face the rest of the Losers.

"Well we're not asking you either." Beverly responded, raised a spike from the front gate.

"We didn't do it alone then Bill, so we're not letting you do it alone now." Mike told him.

"Losers stick together." Ben said, looking at Beverly.

"So. Is someone going to say something?" Eddie asked, looking up at you. You giggled at him, letting go of Bill's hand and jumping down the steps towards Eddie.

"R-R-Richie said it b-b-best the last time we were here." Bill said, gesturing to Richie.

Richie had a confused look on his face.

"I did?" He asked.
"I don't wanna die?"

Bill shook his head.

"Good thing we're not measuring dicks?"

"No. Not that." Bill laughed.

"Let's kill the fucking clown?" Richie questioned again. Bill nodded, chucking.

"Let's kill this fucking clown."

You looked around to see that the house hadn't changed. You hated it so much. You looked up at the stairs to see a black liquid flowing down them.

"Wow- I love what he's done with the place." Richie said, sarcastically.

"Beep Beep Richie." You and Bev said in unison. You were all walking through the living room and you looked into the large mirror. You could've sworn you saw a young girl running up the stairs. A chiming could be heard from upstairs and it caught your attention. You edged towards the stair case, noticing the black fluid had gone. You glanced over your shoulder to see the others still looking around so you started walking up the stairs. You followed the chiming down the corridor until you reached a room, the door ajar.

You entered the room and saw a cot in the middle. Not this shit again. You heard a door slam and screaming from downstairs.

"Dad! Stop this! It. Isn't. Fair. On. Them." You yell, kicking the door after every word. "Dad! I know you can hear me. Stop this. We- we both know I have the power to stop this. And I will. But- but I don't want to hurt you." A small sob begins to stifle at your upper lip. "Dad, let me help them."

You heard the creaking of floorboards behind you and turned to see a smaller figure. She had short, H/C hair- it was in pigtails. Her dress was a dark red shade and was tattered at the edges. She had a large smile on her face. The air was knocked out of your lungs-

It was you.

"Dad!" You yelled, turning away from it. "Stop this now!"

The younger version of you began to slowly creep towards you, the smile never leaving her face. You turned back towards her as her hand shook, reaching out for yours. You shook your head, stumbling backwards until your back hit the door. You squeezed your eyes shut and willed for this to stop. You could still hear screaming from downstairs, it sounded like Beverly. You felt the warmth run through your veins and a smirk plastered your face. You reopened your eyes to see that the room was now empty, other than the cot. You stepped into the middle of the room and observed the cot again, running your fingers along the rough edges.

There was silence in the house and you heard a door creak. The door. It was open. You left the room and ran down to the hallway. You looked down into the basement and saw the Losers had gathered in there and began going down. 

"You guys were really gonna go down there without me? Ouch." You joke.

"No- Y-Y/N we thought y-you'd already-" Bill stuttered.

"Bill. Chill. I was messing with ya. Let's go Losers." You say, sending a wink in Eddie's direction, causing him to take out his inhaler.

Updated: May 16th 2020

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