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hyunjin stormed out of the room feeling his skin hot as if it were on fire.

his jaw clenched as he let out a heavy breath, feeling his fingers numb.

'calm down, hyunjin. he's drunk.' he tried to think to himself, shaking off the hurt and anger he felt wanting to boil over even more.

the blasting music at that point just felt nauseating as he looked around to find anyone he knew.

he managed to spot jeongin alongside felix and changbin, chan jamming with the dj, and of course minho with jisung.

hyunjin looked at the pair and felt a certain feeling rise up from his gut when his eyes landed on jisung.

he felt angry.

all his problems seemed to tie into that one boy each time.

hyunjin felt his anger spiraling, and before he had the urge to hit jisung he stopped himself. he took a breath and brought himself back to reality.

he wasn't going to let his anger destroy the progress he made to better himself. besides, it really wasn't jisung's fault.

"jisung no more drinks, okay?" minho laughed lightly from seeing jisung sway to the music.

"hmm okay~" he slurred and grabbed ahold of minho's hands to make him dance.

minho laughed more from seeing the boy move around and dance.

this was what he was dealing with since jisung lost the ring.

the boy was bumping into things, and almost dragged minho down a few times.

"jisung calm a bit." minho tried to get jisung to stop wriggling around so much.

"i'm distracting myself~" he hummed and fell forward into minho's arms again.

"from what?" minho raised his eyebrow. "the ring?"

jisung's face dropped and he pouted, eyes glassing up as he looked into minho's. "yes the ring." he said.

"ahhh no don't think about it." minho patted his head as he tried to get jisung to stand by himself again.

"one more drink hyung~" jisung blindly led himself to the bar before he was pulled back by minho.

"no more. you're not gonna be able to get around if you have one more." he scolded and jisung pouted once more.

there was gust of cold air that hit the two, and minho turned and saw that people were at the front door and left it open.

it was getting cold and all jisung was wearing was a white t-shirt with a green camouflage hoodie.

minho pulled jisung by his hoodie and zipped it up, putting the hood over jisung's head and pulling on the strings so that he was snug in the fabric.

jisung whined like a child as his cheeks were being squished, while minho tied the strings into a bow. "leave it." minho said, knowing that jisung would try to take it off.

"whyyy?" he complained.

"because i said so." was all he said, seeing jisung shivering.

"but i'm not cold." he said, not because he was trying to be impossible- but because he genuinely couldn't tell that he was.

"shh." minho shushed him and rubbed his arms to create warmth. "you are, i can tell."

jisung looked up at him with these big eyes (they were a key sign how he was wasted) but they were in awe. "you can tell?" he asked.

"well yeah, it's not hard to figure out. you're shivering." minho shrugged.

suddenly jisung giggled as he leaned back into minho's arms- in some kind of forced hug.

minho yelped as jisung accidentally almost winded him. "yah don't kill me." he almost stumbled back with the boy in his arms.

"haha sorry." jisung still giggled. "but you're acting like my boyfriend."

minho didn't expect that, eyes going wide. he looked back at jisung who had a smile on his face.

"how so?" minho was intrigued to say the least.

"you're keeping me warm and watching over meee~ and you kiss me. that's a boyfriend thing. and you bring me food, and walk with me." jisung hummed and snuggled closer. "you're like my own boyfriend."

that statement made minho start thinking.

"ji, when you kissed me was it really because you solely wanted experience?" minho moved jisung back by his shoulers.

"no of course not! if that was true why did i make out with you in the fort? oh- well you were in the most control but still-"

minho's face got red as he put his hand over jisung's mouth before he could continue. "ah ah okay yes. but why did you do it?"

"when we did that, did you think of me as a friend?" jisung drunkly asked.

jisung dodged minho's question pretty well, because then minho started thinking.

it was clear that the things they did friends didn't do. it was known from the start to minho, but now that he's thinking about it- he really did like it.

but he really didn't know how he felt in general. it wasn't like he thought of jisung in a romantic way, right?

honestly minho had no way of telling. he did enjoy what happened between them- but was it just because it was making out? everyone likes making out (well, not everyone) but was minho just enjoying the action?

he didn't know if the level of happiness he experienced was normal for a friend, or for someone romantically.

"well.." minho trailed off as he continued to think. "no, i didn't think of you as a friend when it happened."

jisung's face lit up with a smile. "our relationship is funny." jisung laughed again.

"we're not friends, we're not boyfriends, but we have a thing. feelings are so confusing." jisung mumbled before going right back into minho's embrace.

minho blinked as he felt his face flush again. that doesn't usually happen.

after getting the heat from his face to leave he hugged jisung back, squeezing him gently making him squeal.

"let's get you some water." minho lifted jisung from the ground and carried him as he walked to the kitchen.

jisung continued to giggle as he was lifted and then placed down.

"you'll get dehydrated, here drink." minho gave jisung a water bottle and he drank most of it down.

as soon as he was finished he attached himself right back onto minho.

minho chuckled and tried to detach the blonde from him. "ji i can't move if you keep hugging me."

jisung pouted (for like the tenth time) and let go, looking at his feet. "sorry." he muttered.

minho wanted to punch himself and he sighed before kneeling in front of jisung and turning around. "you can go on my back." he offered and before he even heard jisung's reply the boy just jumped on him.

he wrapped his arms around minho's neck and tied his legs around his torso. "i like this." he said happily, making minho smile a bit.

jisung secured himself to the point where minho didn't even have to hold onto his legs. he was literally a koala bear.

minho went to look around the area when he suddenly saw hyunjin sprint past him.

he wondered what was going on with him.

Look at me different. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now