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(A/N slightly uhm... spicy :))

soon the act of breathing softly became a difficult task to maintain.

the only thing that could be clearly heard was heavy breathing. inhales so sharp that they sounded almost like they hurt to take in.

it happened the second minho went back to kissing jisung's neck, which turned into him sucking softly on his skin.

"minho.." jisung didn't really know why he was saying his name to begin with, or why his hands seemed to shake beyond belief.

maybe he was nervous.

his shaky hand went up to run through minho's dark hair- as the older focused his attention on a spot just by jisung's collar bone.

he swirled his tongue against jisung's skin and sucked harder, making jisung release another shaky breath as he clutched minho's hair.

at first, the feeling of it felt a little weird- but after a few seconds it felt good.

there was something so exhilarating about this all.

something about how they have known each other for so long- how they were best friends for so long- and now their relationship is like this.

there was something about it that made it hard to understand- but at the same time there really wasn't anything to understand in the first place.

the way jisung's breathing kept changing pattern and how minho could literally feel him shaking just drove the older to continue.

he pulled back and kissed up jisung's neck back to his lips. the second he saw jisung's face his heart sped up.

jisung's eyes were softly shut and his mouth apart slightly to help him breathe. his chest was rising and falling at a faster pace- and his hair fell messily against his face and the bed.

minho trailed to jisung's hands, linking them and intertwining their fingers together. he was really able to feel jisung shaking now.

minho placed a kiss to jisung's lips softly. "baby, you always tremble." he lightly laughed and noted, continuing to kiss back down his face.

jisung's cheeks flushed darker at the pet name- was this the first time he sincerely called him that? "ah s-sorry.." jisung thought that maybe he should try to control it better.

however minho protested, shaking his head. "don't be sorry, i like it. it's cute." another kiss to his jaw. "you're so cute."

"a-am i?" jisung stumbled over his words; but wanted to hear it again. "am i cute..?"

hearing jisung respond to him like that almost made minho risk it all right then and there.

he had to contain himself though and remembered to be mindful of who was in the house with them.

minho let out a breath that fanned over jisung's jaw, he slowly kissed the spot before answering. "you're the cutest. so perfect, and mine."

from this, jisung made noise minho had never heard from him before. it was a a mix of a quiet whimper and a whine.

minho felt his stomach get set on fire.

he swore he almost died.

"fuck ji, you're killing me here." minho murmured, hands tightening their grip of jisung's hands. "you're so tempting."

the tension in the room was almost intoxicating. the way jisung was staring up at minho almost made the older burst. the two felt hot even though the AC had been on this whole time.

Look at me different. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now