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"felix fell asleep." jisung noticed, looking at the australian boy and saw very limited movement coming from the younger.

he fell asleep from the position of him laying on his stomach, his face against the fluffy rug as he lightly snored.

jisung reached his foot out (minho had to hold back a laugh at the younger's white and light pink fuzzy socks) and lightly poked felix's side, nudging him to see if he was really sleeping or not.

"nope, he's really out." jisung giggled a little.

the movie had ended just a couple seconds before, the screen going to a dark grey color and resulting in the two to barely be able to see anything.

jisung got up to go turn on the little lamp in the corner of the living room so that they had a little light, rather than risking waking felix up.

minho yawned and rubbed his eyes as the light dimly flickered on, casting shadows in the now warm buzzing room.

jisung smiled at the older the second he was able to see his face again. he went up to him, sitting down in his lap again just like he was doing before.

except this time instead of facing the tv, he was facing minho. "did your test really go well?" he asked, sounding happy that it wasn't hard for minho after all.

"yes, super easy." minho nodded, taking jisung's hand and lifting it to rest on his cheek so he could lean into it. he closed his eyes. "a little tired." he admitted.

jisung hummed, almost melting- and he circled patterns on minho's cheek with his thumb. "you must be. you had a hard couple weeks huh?"

minho nodded his head and pouted dramatically. "it was a hard week but worth it since i got you."

jisung had gotten used to feeling his face grow hot every time minho would say something like that to him. he smiled in response, giggling lightly.

minho leaned further in his touch, sighing softly. "give me a kiss." with his eyes still closed, minho pursed his lips out and waited.

jisung tried not to smile as he placed the kiss softly to minho's lips. the second he pulled away he moved his hair from his face. "you should sleep. i can tell you're getting very very tired." he pointed.

minho used to always hate physical contact growing up- he wasn't the kind to hug often at all.

yet whenever the older got tired, he was very touchy and cuddly. every time jisung would sleep over minho's house secretly, if they stayed up late he would deal with this.

and now jisung couldn't tell if it's because they were together now or if minho was just in his typical tired state. in the end he concluded it was due to both.

"you're being all clingy."

minho hummed and found himself slumping back slightly.

there was a buzz of a phone, and jisung had to get off of minho in order to get his phone from the floor to see who texted him.

the missing contact made minho wanna complain, but he just sucked it up and focused on how good it felt to have his burning eyes closed.

"ah." jisung spoke upon reading the message he received. "seungmin is on his way home.." he said, biting on his lip slightly.

"mm, that's fine." minho sleepily answered.

the lack of further response made minho peek his eye open, as he saw that jisung was nibbling his lower lip. he also looked down to see him messing with his ring.

upon seeing this minho sat back up, rubbing his eye with one hand and taking ahold of jisung's hand with the other. "what's bothering you?" he asked, finding whatever was bothering jisung to be more important than him being tired.

there was a long pause. jisung let go of a sigh and played with minho's fingers. "i'm just... wondering how i should go about the seungmin situation."

"ahhh i see." minho nodded in realization, scooting closer to jisung and rubbing his arm to reassure him. "i'm sure he's going to be okay."

jisung sighed yet again, thinking. "i think.. we should hold off telling him about us.. at least for a little. i don't want him to get even more hurt. we should ease into telling him."

the suggestion was a lot to ask.

and honestly minho didn't expect jisung to even request something like that.

"you mean.." he paused to form his sentence. "keep us a secret? lie?" the rubbing on the younger's arm halted.

"only for a little..i know it's hard to ask but i want to figure a way to do this with the least amount of damage possible.." he tried to explain what he meant. "just to be careful around him. we can be normal around everyone else but i dunno.. let's not tell him just yet."

minho suddenly felt less tired. he didn't know how he should've taken the suggestion. he didn't like it.

but he realized he had to try and understand what jisung was trying to do in the first place.

"i don't like lying about it, but if you want to then fine." he spoke; arm going back to his side as he sighed.

jisung noticed the swing in emotion and pouted as he grabbed onto minho's arm, pulling it close to his body dramatically.

"babeeee please don't be annoyed. it's not like i don't wanna tell people we're dating! you know i like you." jisung whined, hugging his arm with big eyes. "i just wanna look out for seungmin too."

minho thought about for a few more seconds, before he smiled softly and nodded. "okay. we can try. we'll figure out a better way to tell him that will hurt less." he agreed.

jisung crawled into his lap again, hugging him tightly. "thank you min." he thanked, pressing a kiss to his cheek and burying his face in his neck. "you're the best."

"i know i am." minho ran his hand through his blue hair, pulling back to look at his face.

"shouldn't you go to sleep?" jisung asked, remembering that he said he was tired. "if you want you can sleep over."

minho nodded his head. "just for tonight, i feel bad for hyunjin since he was probably lonely in our apartment by himself."

jisung shook his head. "seungmin was actually going over there a lot." he corrected. "well, granted it was probably because hyunjin was dragging him there constantly. but still, hyunjin was barely alone."

"oh really?" minho blinked in surprise. he was honestly shocked at the development hyunjin seemed to have. "that's nice to hear. he's trying to win seungmin over again."

jisung sat back and thought for a moment. "i'm not sure if he's getting far right now though." he said, admittedly. "seungmin is very stubborn and i think he's still holding the grudge of when hyunjin hurt him."

"yeah. and he still has a raging crush on you too, so, there's that." minho said, looking at the details of his nails.

jisung's mouth fell open and he hit minho's arm. "shut up! i'm probably just a rebound."

"doubt it~" minho sang, causing jisung to nudge him again.

"he's gonna get over it, just see." jisung mumbled after rolling his eyes.

Look at me different. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now