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"we haven't talked since." hyunjin explained the situation as he finished the ramen. "also this isn't too bad." he commented to felix, making him burst into a smile.

"want me to investigate?" jisung asked, leaning on his hand as he watched hyunjin eat.

"what does that exactly entail?" hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows.

"well.." jisung thought for a moment. "i could be like.. hey seungmin what's up? how you feeling? you miss hyunjin? or something like that.. but obviously more well planned." jisung waved his hands.

"uh.. sure? yeah why not i'm curious on how he actually feels. i just messed up man. but i can't make it right if he doesn't let me." hyunjin sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"awwwwww hyunjin!!" jisung couldn't help but get soft at this. he put his hand over his heart. "you do have a heart!"

"no i don't." hyunjin rolled his eyes as he tried not to smile.

jisung got up and hugged hyunjin jokingly to annoy him, rocking side to side. "don't worry i'll work my magic!" he brought out his pinky to promise.

hyunjin stared at his hand for a moment before smiling and tying their pinkies together. "thank you jisung."

jisung let go and then pointed to felix. "either stay here or go home." he instructed.

felix's smile dropped. "what?? why?"

"because i'm going home to talk to seungmin now. i have a date with minho afterwards so it has to speedy. and i don't want you intruding. i need direct answers. so don't come!" jisung stared intensely at the australian until he sighed and nodded.

"i'll call you to tell you how it goes! bye guys!" jisung had left that quickly, leaving the apartment to go back home.


"seungmin i'm home!" jisung practically burst through the doors.

the boy was reading and he dropped his book, his whole body spazzing from being startled. "jisung can you please stop bursting through the doors! the amount of times you scare me and other people is crazy-"

"sorry sorry!" jisung quickly apologized and picked up the book. instead of putting it back in seungmin's hands he put it on the table. "i wanna talk to you." he smiled.

the look on his face was sweet and almost excited to talk. seungmin really didn't know how to read it, but it made him smile just a bit.

"talk about what?" he asked, turning his body fully towards jisung as he sat with his legs crisscrossed.

jisung couldn't just say about hyunjin. he looked off to the side as he tried to think. "uhhmm.." he looked around to see the title of the book. it had the word feelings on it.

perfect topic to ease into what he wanted to talk about. "um about feelings! how have you been?"

seungmin made an suspicious face. "me?" he questioned as jisung nodded.

"yeah! i feel like i don't check in as much as i should." that part was true. "so what's up? how are things?" he asked.

seungmin smiled a little again. "i'm alright. there's nothing really going on."

just as jisung went to open his mouth to say something, he got a text and he checked his phone.

"who is it?" seungmin asked curiously.

ugh jisung had to get answers soon. he forgot he had a date with minho.

he replied to minho's text saying they'd see each other later. "it's just min. sorry about that. alright anyway,"

even just hearing the name sent a bad feeling over seungmin and he sighed as his smile disappeared.

"have you spoken to hyunjin at all?" jisung asked. "i was just over there with felix and uh.. i figured you still had some feelings about the whole situation still."

he tried his best not to be obvious. he was sitting and had his hands folded in his folded lap trying not to expose his plan for answers.

"hyunjin?" seungmin questioned.

"yeah. like, how do you feel about that.."

seungmin shifted uncomfortably at the sudden change of atmosphere. "i still feel mad." he said.

"about the festival still? or for something else."

"ji why are you suddenly asking about this?" seungmin knew that jisung was acting weird.

"i'm really just curious i swear." he waved his hand. "i just.. think you two not talking to each other isn't good. i think you two should make up and try to be friends again. and i know he feels sorry about everything."

"how would you know?"

jisung threw his head back and groaned in frustration before giving up and rolling his eyes.

"alright fine, i did talk to him. and i know he's really sorry. but you're not giving him a chance to show that he's sorry, you two yelled at each other. you hurt his feelings but he still went back to care for you. you probably broke his heart like he broke yours. relate to that pain and get better together." jisung spoke.

his words did hit- they made sense. but in all honesty seungmin was afraid to even forgive hyunjin.

he was afraid to go back to him.

"i can't." seungmin's voice was a murmur. he looked down at his hands.

suddenly jisung's face softened. "what..? why not?"

the atmosphere changed in what felt like the snap of a finger. there was a sadness lingering in the air and jisung felt it, and he knew it.

"i don't wanna go back. i know if i do, things will go back to how they were. i like how i feel now. i like who i like now. i don't wanna go back to someone that hurts me.." seungmin's voice dipped and jisung then realized that something was wrong.

it wasn't about hyunjin.

something else was wrong.

hesitantly, jisung put his hand on seungmin's arm. ".. something has been hurting you hasn't it?"

seungmin didn't look up. he looked down further and avoided even looking up at jisung.

what was wrong with him?

why did he feel so torn up? out of all people in the entire world why did he have to feel something towards jisung? why did he even like hyunjin in the beginning?

everything was so bottled up and if seungmin was honest with himself there wasn't a day that went by where he didn't think about this.

about everything.

it was always on his mind no matter how much reading, cooking, or watching tv he did.

"you know you can always talk to me right?" jisung's voice was concerned. it held a tone of caring, and softness.

his priorities completely changed the second he saw seungmin's mood drop.

"i know i may not always be home but that doesn't matter. i'll come home if you ever needed me, and if you've been bottling because you don't want to bother me, don't feel like that."

however jisung's words didn't make seungmin feel better. instead it was harder to bear. he didn't look up and he fumbled with his fingers.

"ji... i.. have to tell you something." seungmin seemed unsure- and really nervous.

"what is it?" the tone of seungmin's voice continuously made jisung feel uneasy.

what was he hiding? was he bottling something big? "has something been wrong?"

he heard seungmin sigh softly and suddenly  scoot closer to him.

"jisung.." seungmin finally made eye contact with him.

"i think i fell in love with you."

Look at me different. (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now