Chapter 19

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Gary's POV

News came to me quickly that the rebels did some damage to a camp. I got their little message attached to a knife. I know that one of their newer members died in the barn explosion. But a few of my men did as well. So did a lot of supplies.

"Hmm." I say. "What to do. What to do." I say to my new promoted lieutenant. Her name is Carrie. She's been with me from the very start. She was going to get it if Vira didn't. Shame Vira sided against me. She should know what happens to my enemies.

"Sir, we captured a tape on the barn explosion and the fish. Care to watch it?" Carrie asks me. Yes actually. I nod.

She picks up a remote and turns a TV on. She presses play and I watch the video. Jazmine, Maddy and Amy were behind the knives and the fish.

The barn was Vira, some random girl and some random guy. Obviously part of the rebellion. I see only Vira and the guy get out of the barn alive.
I do hear a voice scream "burn in hell Gary", then when Vira and the guy run towards the beach, she screams "burn in hell Gary, viva la rebels". Celebrate the rebels. I guess they're really serious about taking me down.

"Interesting. Looks like they want a war. How to show them how much power I have." I say when Carrie pauses it.

"How about destroy the entire camp and broadcast the explosion and the fire. Bomb it. They all need to be punished for stealing that fish anyway. So, two birds with one stone." Carrie suggests. I knew there was a reason I hired her.

"I like that idea. Sort it out for me will you?" I ask. She nods and smiles evilly before leaving.

I smile at the thought of the horror on their faces. Even the children. I don't care. They stole from me, I'll steal from them. I'll explode them all and burn the camp. They want me to burn in hell. Well, I'll make them watch innocent people burn in hell. The whole world will watch them burn in hell.
Dr jones' POV

They'd been back at base or home, for what, maybe an hour when Jason called us all over to our TV. We got it to watch the broadcasts.

"Gary's got a broadcast to the whole world." Jason says. "Watch."

We all crowd around and watch the broadcast. At first it shows them creating chaos in the camp. Then it switches to Gary's face.

"You told me to go burn in hell. Well I decided to make the prisoners burn in hell." He says smiling evilly. Oh no.

It switches to a clear view of the camp and planes flying over. We can see all the people huddling terrified where they can. The police are moving them into a building and clearing out of the area via helicopters.
That's when the bombs start dropping. The entire camp is exploding. Everything if not exploded is on fire. The building where all the people were is nothing. Nothing remains. Not even charred remains. I start crying. It's so horrible. I look around me and see Amy is crying as well. Jaz and Maddy just look sad. Vira is horrified and standing in a mode of shock. Amy is on the floor on her knees screaming and crying. I feel arms take me within them and look who it is. It's Maddy. Jaz and Jason are trying to snap Vira out of it. Matt stands awkwardly and Amy. Poor Amy just keeps screaming and crying. Soon Jaz starts trying to comfort her. It's just not working. She's screaming and crying. I'm just crying my eyes out.

"There you go rebels. That's a special message to you. I mean business, courtesy of the rebels." He starts to laugh. Suddenly he stops.

"Amy I'm sorry. Please remember, I really do love you. Your probably on the ground screaming and crying, I wish I could comfort you and explain to you. Please Amy. I love you and your all I have. I'm not gonna lose you." He says and the broadcast ends.

Through all the crying, I realise something. Amy is Gary's ultimate weakness. I think she knows it to. She loves him back but can't agree with him I'm thinking. That's when I see her faint out cold. She looks extremely tired and pale. She's quickly picked up and taken to her room. I continue to cry into Maddy who keeps her arms around me until I finally have the courage to lift my head.

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