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With her mate and her last son dead, Sage had never felt that much fear and worry in her entire life. She had fled from the camp, just in case Sitka would come back. Her heart raced like the wings of a frightened hummingbird. The sun was just about to rise over the mountains. She ran through the brambles, even if they hurt. 
A strange figure sat across the river she was approaching. An otter. Several of them. It was the caravan that had left seven months ago to travel over the mountains to the other tribes. Sage leapt into the river. She crawled up onto the other shore, as fast as her arms would let him. 
“Help!” she yelled to the caravan. The other otters were alerted by her cry. 
“What's wrong,” the lead one quickly asked. 
“S-Sitka… she killed them a-” Sage stopped. Her hands were placed around her chest. She fell onto her side and began breathing heavily. 
“What's happening?” another otter asked. 
“She's having a heart attack,” the lead otter quivered. But the heart attack had taken Sage’s life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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