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Warning: Slight OOC on the elementals, too much drama

Remember, This fanfiction take place after Boboiboy Movie 2! So if you haven't watch it, please watch it first because there will be some spoiler/plot mention here:)

I don't own any of the characters, Boboiboy is originated and belong to Monsta/Animonsta Studios















But first, let's go to Previous Part's Last Chapter~



"Well now I'm bored..." said Blaze playing with the pillow
"Yeah I miss home..." said Thorn unhappy

"Hey, our home is identical to Boboiboy's earth home so do you think he didn't miss it too?" asked Halilintar
"I know Abang Halilintar but I'm bored too"
"Oh speaking of that, Thorn you should know what Solar said to me while ago" said Halilintar with mocking smile looking at Solar
"Halilintar... we agreed on this..."
"Hoho nope, after you called me Mr Ballon-Phobia in front of everyone"





"You sure have it rough Gempa..."

"Hehehe I'm used to -eh?"

Ochobot and Gempa look surprised seeing the one who telling that is Boboiboy

"Boboiboy! You okay?!" asked Gempa who come closer which make Solar and Halilintar goes to him
"Yeah... much better..." said Boboiboy smile to them
"I'm glad..."
"Wait let me check..." said Solar holding Boboiboy's wrist and forehead

Boboiboy just look at Solar in surprised but then he smile relief seeing him doing that

"What's wrong Boboiboy?" asked Halilintar who notice Boboiboy's smile
"No... it's just, It's the first time I meet you guys"





"I thought you guys are just seeing each other only as partners but seeing you guys in person make me assured that you guys look at each other as brothers" said Boboiboy give an assured smile

"Well they're really annoying but since I was chosen as the oldest so I don't have a choice do I?" said Halilintar looking at Boboiboy with a grim smile





Suddenly a yellow lightning surprised them. Boboiboy suddenly changed into Petir which make Gempa and Ochobot shock looking at him

"Boboiboy...I mean- Petir what are you doing?" asked Gempa shock seeing the yellow lightning sword
"I-I don't know, when I hold my fist suddenly the sword comes out and I changed to Petir! I don't even called any elemental power"

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