He's back

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They arrived to TEMPUR-A station and saw Commander Koko Ci talking to Laksamana Tarung serious. They were curious so they went to them and give a salute to tell about the mission is complete

"Commander! Laksamana! We have found MartialBot" said Boboiboy while pointing MartialBot who's flying beside Ochobot
"Good job soldiers, you may go back resting now especially you Boboiboy and the elementals
"Okay commander!" said all of them

All of them went inside the base but Fang manage to hear Commander Koko Ci's little conversation

"We don't need to tell them about this, we have to tight our securities and go find him before he find them" said Laksamana Tarung serious
"Yeah, especially the elementals. We need to protect them from him"

Fang was confused until he was pulled by Thorn and Blaze who ask him to play with him. With that he shake the feeling off and goes to Boboiboy's room




The next day

Boboiboy open his eyes and see his elementals are watching a movie together. With that he reach his phone and secretly take a picture of them which notice by Halilintar

"Good morning Boboiboy, at least tell us if you want to take a picture of us" said Halilintar
"AAHHH NO FAIR, you should let me pose first" said Taufan pouting
"Hehehe well you guys are watching it seriously after all"

Just then Ochobot comes in and see that Boboiboy awakes he then fly to him

"Ah Boboiboy... can I talk to you alone" said Ochobot in low voice
"Hm okay, can you also accompany me to the library. I want to return this book"

With that Boboiboy quickly take a shower and change his clothes. He then take the power spheres book and go out with Ochobot leaving the elementals in the room. All of them then continue to watch the movie seriously until later on, Yaya and Ying comes in

"Ahh you guys, have you seen Boboiboy?" asked Yaya
"He's at library to return the books that he borrowed with Ochobot" said Solar
"I see.. then should we make some drinks Yaya?"
"Let's go then.."
"Wait may I join?"asked Gempa
"Okay no problem"said Ying happily

With that three of them goes out of the room and the others continue watching the movie. Few moments later, they stop watching the movie and about to sit on their usual spots until suddenly there's a loud explosion which grab everyone's attention. Seconds after that, Boboiboy and Ochobot comes in panic and worried

"What's going on?" asked Blaze
"I don't know.... Wait where's Gempa?!" asked Boboiboy looking around the room which didn't see his earth elemental
"He's at the kitchen with Yaya and Ying... wait if I correct that sound should be on our left side so that means..." said Solar panic
"LET'S GO THEN!" shout Boboiboy worried

All of them dash to the kitchen very fast. When they arrived, the scene is very shocking which make him and his elementals all freeze in place because Laksamana Tarung is down, all other agents are down, Yaya and Ying are exhausted and the scariest part is Gempa was held very tight by the elementals worst enemy and their nightmare which non-other than the first seven elementals owner, Retak'ka.

"Gempa!" shout Boboiboy comes in the room. The elementals are too shock to move which Ochobot make them hide behind the door

"Ahh you have come Boboiboy.... And I see that you split yourself" said Retak'ka while holding helpless Gempa
"Ukh!" shout Gempa in pain
"LET HIM GO!" shout Boboiboy angrily
"Ha! Like I will, sedutan-"

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