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Time Skip~

Ochobot, Yaya, Ying, Fang and Gopal are doing missions so Boboiboy and his elementals are left alone in TEMPUR-A station since he is forbidden to go on missions by the doctor because he being too weak and Commander Koko Ci already warn him. With that, Boboiboy with his elementals are at the game room since Taufan challenge Blaze and Thorn yesterday.

"What should we bet then?" asked Taufan
"Hmmm..." both Blaze and Thorn thinking

Gempa then smirk like an evil person which Boboiboy notice him since Gempa is letting out a dark aura around him and then he sweatdrop while move a little away from Gempa

"How about, the one who loses will be the one who clean our rooms for a week" said Gempa
"WHAT!?" shout the Trio Troublemaker glaring at Gempa
"Gempa... you really using a chance huh" said Solar rotate his eyes
"Hehehe, well it makes it more interesting right"
"Well if you want to do that to the loser. The winner must get the best prize" said Taufan thinking

"Then how about the winner getting a ticket to be with Boboiboy for a day? No worries, we're not that evil" said Ice suggests
"Eh?" said Boboiboy surprised since he was used as a bet

"THAT WE AGREE!" shout the Trio grinning
"Hm! If that's the case, might as well join" said Solar lifting his glasses
"Eh?" said Boboiboy surprised
"I will join as well, Halilintar how about you?" asked Gempa
"Hmmm... Okay I will" said Halilintar grim to them
"EVEN YOU HALILINTAR?!" shout Boboiboy shock

"Then it's a deal, the winner will get Boboiboy while the loser will clean our rooms for a week" said Ice grinning

"DEAL!" shout all of them except Boboiboy

"Oi... what am I? a thing..." said Boboiboy looking at them straight

Nobody listen and just start the game, Boboiboy just sitting down on the sofa near the dance master watching his elementals doing the battle. Suddenly Commander Koko Ci comes into the game room

"Ah Boboiboy, may I have a word for a seconds?"
"Yes Commander?" said Boboiboy while giving him salute
"Can we talk alone..."

Boboiboy look at his elementals who didn't notice them and then nod to the little commander. After that he go outside with Commander Koko Ci

"What is it Commander?"
"I'm just asking, are those of your elementals going to stay like this forever?"
"Ah no commander, they're waiting for me to generate my energy fully"
"Well they said like that so it didn't risk any problems for the watch or myself. Are they bothering commander?" asked Boboiboy carefully
"Ahh no no, I'm just checking since the doctor said that you and he other four who went a lot are really need a lot of rest. But since they can't go back to the watch, then you five are still in healing process if I presume"
"You could say that Commander"

"Well, Fang said otherwise to me..."
"I know that Commander, he told me that he suspect that they keep something from me but I trust them Commander... so if they did, I'm sure it's nothing evil or anything"
"Well can't argue with Fang. Just like Captain Kaizo, he have a great hunch but I will keep your words Boboiboy... rest well okay, you are one of my best agents so you will be needed in no time"
"Okay Commander!" said Boboiboy giving salute

After that Commander Koko Ci leave him. Boboiboy got thinking by Commander words. Even he ask him about when the elementals will be back to his watch. He tried to nudge his negative thoughts and comes into the game room which suddenly Thorn shout grabbing everyone attention and hug Boboiboy

"Boboiboy!" shout all of them
"Where were you?! We are worried!" shout Taufan
"Ah Commander called me just now, you guys are too busy dancing after all"
"You should tell us if you are going somewhere... you really scared us" said Gempa
"Sorry sorry... so how's the battle?"

Trouble Battle 3: The ElementalsWhere stories live. Discover now