Extra Chapter!

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Boboiboy are in the TEMPUR-A laboratory with his intelligence trait elemental who's looking at the chemicals happily and also secretly smirking as if he had an idea of a potion which notice by Boboiboy

"Ekhem! You know that we're here for upgrade my watch right Solar?" said Boboiboy sarcastic while sitting
"Eh? ah right right hehehe" said Solar while scratching his cheek

After that Solar grab the toolbox and start fixing Boboiboy's power watch. Moments later Ochobot comes in with Gempa and Taufan beside them

"So how's the watch?" asked Gempa
"Almost, just need a little more twist" said Solar while twisting with a screwdriver
"Hurry up already, I already promise Thorn to teach him some tricks" said Taufan
"Yeah yeahh calm down"

After that Solar look relief, he then put the screwdriver back to the box

"Okay Boboiboy, tried to open the hologram" said Solar
"Okay... hm? There's another button beside call my friends" said Boboiboy while looking at the hologram screen
"Yep that's it, now press it"

Boboiboy then press the button showing a scenery that look just like earth which surprised him, he look at it and notice that Halilintar and Ice are talking together and happen to be very close to each other while laying down on the grass field

"Ekhem!" shout Solar blushing
"Eh? ah? HAH?!" shout both Halilintar and Ice shock until they get up
"Wow, I never thought both of you become so close" said Boboiboy look at them
"Eh? Boboiboy? Wait how in the blue sky? Wait.. huh?" asked Ice confused
"Well it means it's a success" said Taufan happily
"You should control your words Ice..." said Gempa giggle
"WOW!" shout Thorn and Blaze together who move closer
"Hahaha hey there Blaze, Thorn" said Boboiboy laughing
"Boboiboy! We miss you" said Thorn
"Hey, it's been only a week since I call you"

Right, after that day. Boboiboy and the elementals agree that he will call seven of them once a month or just call three of them if there's a emergency which they happily agreed. They also request calling one elemental at the time which want to have a pure one on one time with Boboiboy which Boboiboy gladly agree so if they have personal problem, they can talk it with him

Right now, Gempa, Taufan and Solar are with Boboiboy because Solar want to make the hologram feature for the elementals inside and for Boboiboy. Gempa and Taufan got out because they need to substitute Boboiboy in one of the mission so that he can upgrade his watch

"Well it's time for us to go back inside" said Gempa while looking at the watch
"Okay then, thank you for giving me a one mission break" said Boboiboy thanking both Gempa and Taufan
"No problem, also these the cookies that I made that you request, the same shape as Yaya's cookies. Freshly baked!" said Taufan while giving a bag of cookies to Boboiboy
"Ahhh finally... Now I can fool the others if Yaya offer her cookies"

"What did you said Boboiboy?" asked someone near the door with unhappy tone

All of them look at the door which to find Gopal and Fang who doesn't look happy. Before Boboiboy react, Gempa, Taufan and Solar already in front of Boboiboy protecting him

"Slow down you three, we will not do anything to your precious owner" said Fang rolled his eyes
"Better guard for anything Fang, not to mention, I don't believe you" said Solar
"Hahhh..." said Fang

"Okay, now let me taste this" said Gopal taking the bag of cookies from Boboiboy
"Weh! I haven't taste it yet" said Boboiboy

Just then Gopal ate the cookies and suddenly his face turn to pale which surprised the others except Taufan who's laughing wildly

"Hahaha, that is Yaya's cookies. This is the real one" said Taufan showing other bag of cookies

Taufan take one of the cookies and put it in Boboiboy, Solar and Gempa's mouth. They look surprised by the taste

"Oh the chocolate taste is great!" said Boboiboy while munching
"Hehehe thank you, here Fang want to try?" offer Taufan

Fang eat the other shape cookies which make his eyes surprised and happy at the same time

"Lobak Merah..." said Fang happily

"Dey! Why you even make this cookies?!" said Gopal while showing the bag of cookies that he ate
"Hehehe, I was going to take it back to the watch for tricking Halilintar. But when I saw both of you coming in I quickly switch it" said Taufan who take the bag of cookies
"Hahahaha terbaik Taufan" said Boboiboy

"Well now it's time to go back" said Gempa while embrace both Solar and Taufan
"Okay, I will call you again sometime! Kuasa Elemental! Taufan, Gempa, Solar kembali kepada Boboiboy"

With that three of them became a light ball and goes to his watch. The watch let out their elemental logo on his watch which means they comeback safely. Boboiboy then take the bag of cookies and ate it

"Well at least we have a good cookies just in case-"
"Hey guys! I make cookies for you all!" said Yaya interupted Fang



Hehehe just an extra chapter that I made:3 

I can't forget making this trilogy easily after all since this is my first ever Boboiboy story

Big thank you to @GoldDragonKnight and @sakuraanh995 for your votes and comments for this series that made hehe. 

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