For the Elementals!

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Everyone was very speechless seeing Boboiboy in new form. Voltra then throw his swords to Retak'ka which he dodge and move little further and like a boomerang, the swords come back to Voltra's hand

"No way..." said Gopal surprised from what he sees now
"Sorry for the long wait..." said Voltra with low voice
"Where are the elementals?" asked Fang looking around

Voltra just give a sad smile to Fang to answer his questions which make Fang undertand the situation. He then stands up and goes beside Voltra while activating his shadow dragon form

"I demand explanation of what really happen later but now let's finish him" said Fang
"You're not alone Boboiboy.." said Yaya coming beside him
"Yaya's right! We're in this together right Gopal" said Ying while pulling Gopal
"Ah uh huh! Well less painful I hope" said Gopal with a little laugh

Retak'ka on the other hand gets up and see that Boboiboy use Voltra which is the final form of the elementals

"How can a boy like you activated the final form of the elementals?!" shout Retak'ka
"Halilintar told me that... if you reach a certain amount of energy, you can activate the final form. Halilintar give a great amount so that I can activate it" said Voltra grimly
"Hm! No matter, you are just a boy who can't use the elementals well like I did"
"You should be worried Retak'ka... you mess with my friends and my elementals, you have to pay Retak'ka... Pedang Voltra!"

Voltra take steps front and let out a bigger sword from both of his hands which make his friends quite surprised by his powers. Ochobot look closely to his owner which he notice that his eyes are full of anger and sad at the same time which he can conclude that his Voltra powers are in maximum powered since his lightning power are from his anger

"Guys... be careful, Boboiboy is very angry which means his powers are very powerfull" said Ochobot to his friends
"O..okay" said Gopal scared

"Guys! activate Ochobot's sucking power, we need to suck his powers" shout Voltra
"What are you going to do?!" shout Fang
"Buying time..."

With that Voltra dash to Retak'ka and attack him furiously. Retak'ka dodge all Voltra attacks and protect himself, Fang and the others are still in their place looking at fight

"Yaya! Ying! You two help Boboiboy, Gopal! Call Ochobot! we need to activate his powers" said Fang

"This time we have to be there for him, let's go" said Yaya
"Okay Yaya" said Ying

"Tumbukan Padu!" "Larian Laju!"

"Gerakan Kilat!"

Three of them attack Retak'ka consecutively which make Retak'ka can't dodge all attacks which make him angry

"Ukh... annoying! Tembakan Ganma!"

That attack make three of them blasted and hit the wall very hard. Three of them try to get up while holding their body in pain

"Hm! Weak! And you call yourself better owner than me?"

Yaya gets up weakly and notice Voltra panting very hard and his face are very pale. Voltra notice Yaya's worried face and he only smile

"It's okay Yaya... Halilintar give me enough energy to do it... YOU WILL PAY RETAK'KA!"

Voltra turn back to normal and face Retak'ka angrily

Trouble Battle 3: The ElementalsWhere stories live. Discover now