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Gempa take the bed's table and Solar get the bowl and put it on the table in front of Boboiboy. Halilintar and Taufan give the rest of them their own bowls. Boboiboy get up and put the towel on the table beside him and eat the noodle soup

"Wahh... It's soo delicious!" said Boboiboy in awe
"Hehehe thank you Boboiboy, I'm glad it turn out well" said Gempa blushing
"Hehe never underestimate Gempa and I when it comes to food" said Taufan proudly
"Well you did learn how to make biscuits from Yaya few years ago..." said Boboiboy smirking
"Don't remind me that..."

"Okay what's going on?" asked Blaze glaring at Taufan
"Nothing! You guys didn't have to know" said Taufan hiding his blushing face

Blaze, Ice, Thorn and Solar only give a confused look to Taufan while Halilintar, Gempa and Boboiboy only giggle at them since they know about it

"Thorn!" shout Blaze, Ice and Solar looking at Thorn seriously

Thorn comes near Boboiboy which make him confused but then...






"Boboiboy... please tell us about it..." said Thorn give a baby begging face to him while touching his clothes

Boboiboy only give a speechless look to Thorn and without thinking he hug Thorn while blushing

"Okay stop it Thorn, I will tell you... you're too cute like that..."
"Hehehe terbaik Boboiboy" said Thorn while hugging back
"I told you Thorn can make Boboiboy like that with his powerful begging eyes" glare Blaze to Taufan
"Help..." said Taufan shiver

"Okay okay, I will tell you guys about it since Boboiboy need to eat... so it happen few years ago..." said Gempa
"Oh sh*it..." said Taufan shiver
"Hey language!" said Halintar while hitting Taufan's head

The other four listen to Gempa while eating together near Boboiboy's bed. Blaze and Thorn couldn't help to laughing very hard

"And he cried because of a drama HAHAHAHAHAHA" shout Blaze laughing on the floor
"Ahhh I know it they're gonna laugh this hard" said Taufan rotate his eyes while shutting his ears

"Well because of that, you got into second level form though" said Boboiboy giggle
"Hehehe you're right, anyways! I can make better cookies than Yaya!"

"Hmmm...? What did you say?"

"I said- eh?"

All of them turn and see the door which showing Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang. Yaya is holding her fists

"Taufan...?" said Yaya with an angelic yet anger smile to him
"EEHHH HELP BOBOIBOY!" shout Taufan hiding behind Boboiboy

"Boboiboy! You okay now?" asked Fang who ignored Taufan and goes closer near Solar who's sitting beside Boboiboy

"I'm fine Fang, sorry to make you all worried"
"Dey! You really scared us! Uuhh I miss you Boboiboy!" shout Gopal who hug Boboiboy while shoving Solar, Fang and Ice

"Adduhh!" shout Fang, Solar and Ice
"Sorry sorry... I'm okay Gopal... Fang, Solar, Ice, you guys okay?" asked Boboiboy
"Fine... please control your friend there" said Solar
"Aduh seriously Gopal!" shout Fang and Ice together

"Hehehe sorry sorry" said Gopal
"Well seems to be you're getting better" said Ying
"Hehehe terbaikk" said Boboiboy happily

After that, a doctor comes in checking Boboiboy's condition. The doctor said that Boboiboy is still quite weak after all of that but he said that Boboiboy can go back to his room to rest more. Boboiboy agree with it and he goes to his room with help of Halilintar and Ice by his sides. Ochobot, Yaya and Ying go to the main control room to tell Commander Koko Ci and Laksamana Tarung about Boboiboy's condition and help them with the power spheres

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