The Light of Hope

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On Boboiboy's room

Taufan and Blaze are playing with Papa Zola games with Boboiboy's game console, Thorn and Ice are playing board games, Boboiboy and Solar are sitting together near the study desk

"Hm? Combining Gempa and Halilintar's power can't be worked?" asked Boboiboy
"Yeah... Defense expert and Attack expert can't work like a charm after all" said Solar while writing the combinations
"Hmmm... now that you mention it, I never see both of them combine powers before. How about combining Thorn and Gempa?"
"Thorn's powers are very fragile so I don't want to risk it"
"Hey, but you never tried combining Thorn and Gempa right? earth power combine with plants power are not that bad"
"Now that you mention it..."
"Like Gempa's Tanah Pelindung and Thorn's Pelindung Mengkuang. If they combine, it can make a great defense right"
"Ohh I see what you mean, wait I write it first"
"Ehehehe, not to mention both of them can combine attacks together. Like Thorn's Libasan Akar Berduri and Gempa's Tanah Mencengkam"

"Oohh I see I see! Okay you're smarter than Halilintar when it comes to this"
"Hey, who makes the combinations before you're activated?" said Boboiboy proudly
"Now I know where I got my narcisstic trait from" said Solar smirking

Solar look at Boboiboy warmly yet serious. Suddenly his mind throwback to yesterday which is horrifying memory for him





Just before Gopal, Yaya and Ying comes in front of the room meeting Fang and Ochobot. Solar and Gempa are talking to Laksamana Tarung about meeting Bora Ra and Ejo Jo

"Look Laksamana, I just need to ask what command did he do to Boboiboy and the energy that was putted!"
"I'm sorry but I don't want to risk any of the prisoner to escape because I know you guys will attack them"
"Yes we are mad but-"

Suddenly they heard a loud beep sound which to be from Boboiboy's heartbeat machine and it shows that his heartbeat stops.

"Lompatan Cahaya!"

Solar teleport beside Boboiboy who's very pale and look lifeless. He then ask the doctor to give him a some electric shock. After giving the shocks, Boboiboy's heartbeat comeback but Solar notice that he's not breathing so he give him pressure to his chest. The doctors beside him look at Solar surprised of how thorough and orderly he is giving the pressure

"No, please... I don't want to go, Boboiboy please!" shout Solar on his mind with panic look




Back to reality

Solar shiver remembering that moment, he also remember his mistake on Captain Vargoba and Retak'ka battle. He then look at Trio Troublemaker and Ice to make sure they will not hear them

"Boboiboy... Can I ask you something?"

"Am I... useless to you?"



Boboiboy taken back by Solar words but he stayed silent to hear him more

"I feel like... I don't know... when that time Retak'ka attack us, without thinking any other posibilities and I used my Tembakan Solar Gerhana. I forgot that I was his first elemental that he had..."

Solar then shacking unusual reminding all bad memories that Retak'ka did while using him. Boboiboy notice that and hold his shoulders to stop his shacking

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