Wrath Game

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Moments after that, all of them get out from the planet to go back to the station. Yaya and Ying controlling the ship, Gopal and MartialBot then play games together look by the Trio Troublemaker, Fang, Solar and Halilintar are having a serious and intense card fight, Ice is asleep and Boboiboy are reading a book with Gempa and Ochobot besides him who also monitoring the route

"Ahh it's too much information..." said Boboiboy unhappy while slamming the book to his face
"Well power spheres are a lot after all" said Ochobot beside him
"Hahaha... why don't you rest for a while" said Gempa while giving a bottle of water
"Thanks... well I think I should..."

Boboiboy then drink the water and then sit and try to relax, Gempa then use that chance to put his head on Boboiboy's shoulder

"What's wrong?" asked Boboiboy
"Pat me..."
"Okay you are more childish than Blaze for sure"
"Hehehe terbaikk"

Boboiboy then pat Gempa's head which to be notice by the rest of the elementals and they give a quite jealous to it. Gempa for once didn't care about the stares and enjoying what he got.

"You really change huh Gempa..." thought Halilintar while seeing the scene
"Hm! I won" said Solar smirking while showing his cards
"What?!" shout Halilintar surprised

With that Solar show them his hand cards proudly and make both Fang and Halilintar speechless

"ALL 5 STARS CARD?!" shout Fang and Halilintar shock seeing Solar's cards
"Hehehe I'm the youngest of the elemental but I'm the smartest in this room" said Solar proudly

Boboiboy, Ochobot and the elementals who heard that only give a sweat drop hearing Solar's weird sadistic laugh

"ONE MORE!" shout Fang
"I will make you pull that words of yours Solar..." said Halilintar with menacing aura around him

"Those two... really need to chill" said Blaze rotate his eyes
"Uhm uhm!" said both Taufan and Thorn

"Ahahaha..." laugh Boboiboy looking at the side

"We can have revenge fight later, I need to speak with Ochobot" said Solar while standing up
"Ohh about that? Okay sure" said Ochobot fly towards Solar
"Hm? What is it?" asked Boboiboy
"Ah just talking about our watch problem, we will tell you later"
"Okay then"

With that both Solar and Ochobot goes outside of the main control and they also drag MartialBot to the power sphere room for it to be recharge. Boboiboy then gets up and then sit to where Solar was sitting

"It's rare seeing you two this get along... what happen?" asked Boboiboy to both Halilintar and Fang
"Hm? Nothing at all... I'm not even mad at him" said Halilintar
"Lie! I remember clearly you always rant about how Fang and Gopal did to Boboiboy in the power watch" said Thorn innocently

Blaze and Taufan shock and then shut Thorn's mouth hurriedly. Gopal and Fang only give a weird look to all of them

"Wait a minute... if Halilintar always rant" said Gopal
"And the fact that he's from Boboiboy which means..." said Fang

"Boboiboy... are you holding your anger to us?" asked both of them in front of Boboiboy instead of Halilintar
"Hahh... well who will not be angry for making me get into trouble at school days huh? Not to mention when I wake up after Captain Vargoba knock me out bad" said Boboiboy sarcastic
"Okay that we can't fight.." said Fang

Halilintar steps up and goes in front of Boboiboy with his swords ready in his hands

"H-Halilintar...?" asked Boboiboy
"Saying about my ranting makes me remember how am I so angry to both of them... I have to thank Thorn later for reminding me that" said Halilintar with menancing aura
"W-wait Halilintar! You don't have to-"
"But you were also angry right... let me do it" said Halilintar while looking at Boboiboy facing back the two suspects

"Well... okay then, you may but be gentle"
"Oh I will..." said Halilintar aggresively while making his swords bigger

"W-WAIT BOBOIBOY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" shout Gopal scared when Halilintar let out the double swords in front of him
"Boboiboy! We're just joking!" shout Fang
"Joking or not... you practically make him got counseling for a month which make his stress even worse... you know what, let me join you Abang Halilintar" said Blaze with his fiery hands
"With pleasure... or should we fushion?" asked Halilintar serious
"Nahh, save our fushion for battle... let's just let them taste our individual powers"
"Ukh.... Yaya, Ying! Do something!"

Yaya and Ying who sees the scene with Gempa beside them only sigh

"You two have to face his wrath for once... well double the wrath" said Ying
"Indeed, since what you two did is wrong" said Yaya agreeing

"Ukh.. it was Fang's idea to make that! Not mee"
"Hey! You're the one who also suggest to prank him!"

With that both Halilintar and Blaze come closer while Boboiboy, Taufan and Thorn are right behind them watching, Gempa with Yaya and Ying watching it from the spaceship control. With that Gopal and Fang sit down on the floor

"Please we're sorry! We will not do that again! Promisee!" shout Gopal while crying
"Yeah! We're your friend Boboiboy!"

"Then show me how sorry you are" said Halilintar
"We're sorry!" shout both of them

Both of them plead like crazy for a long time until suddenly they hear a giggle comes from the girls

"Aih Yaya, Ying... you ruin it" said Taufan
"Hihihi sorry Taufan, I can't hold it anymore" said Ying
"W-what's going on?" asked Fang looking at Halilintar

With that Halilintar give a grim smile while shut in his swords

"Did you get that Gempa?" asked Blaze

Both of them look behind them which shows Gempa is holding Boboiboy's phone and record what just happen. With that Boboiboy, Taufan and Thorn let out big laugh together

"Did we just got prank...?" asked Gopal to Fang

"Hehe this is how we, the elementals prank people. So think twice before pranking our owner" said Halilintar with a grim smile
"Hehehe well based idea is from Gempa and Taufan" said Blaze happily

"WHY YOU!" shout Fang while blushing
"Hey don't be mad at me, they ask my permission after all and I did said be gentle" said Boboiboy happily
"And it will forever remain in here" said Gempa while showing Boboiboy's phone
"By the way, why Gempa holding your phone?" asked Yaya
"Ahh you know that I like to make video blog right? Of all my elementals, Gempa got that trait"
"Hehehe I always wanted to make some video blogs" said Gempa
"Okay Gempa, you can delete that video now.." said Fang
"Not a chance" said Gempa smirking

With that the others laugh very hard by Fang and Gopal unhappy faces, moments later Solar and Ochobot enters the room which confuses both of them

"What happen?" asked Solar
"Ahh we just prank Fang and Gopal" said Blaze
"Ohooo if my guess is right, the main character is Halilintar and Blaze"
"How did you know?" asked Thorn surprised
"I'm the smartest remember HAHAHA"

The others sweatdrop while Boboiboy only rotate his eyes seeing Solar like that, far from him, Ochobot is looking at Boboiboy and the elementals serious




"WAIT WHAT?! But Solar... what if-"
"I know Ochobot... but it's our choice so please... give us a chance"




"I hope you know what you did..." thought Ochobot worried

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