The Truth

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"He... knows" said Solar shock by Ochobot's story
"But we're not like that! Actually we-"
"Yeah we understand that you're reason is not evil. But still, what you all did was wrong" said Kuputeri cutting Gempa's words

Commander Koko Ci then give the hologram to Ochobot and he bow to all elementals which surprised all seven of them

"I'm sorry... Actually I know that Retak'ka has escaped from the prison since 2 days ago"
"WHAT?!" shout seven of them and Ochobot
"Hold on! You know yet you didn't tell us or Boboiboy or his friends!?" shout Blaze losing his patience
"Laksamana Tarung and I agreed to not tell you guys since you already been through a lot so we try to handle this by ourselves since we thought Boboiboy already wipe his powers but.."
"But?" asked Ice unhappy
"It turns out he escaped because he manage to absorb Fluorescence and Incandescence that we have left from that operation to revive yours and Boboiboy's energy which make some of his Ganma elemental got recharge, one of our agent stupidly put the tubes near the prison"
"Of course... those mix energy are fuel for us, then it should do the same for Retak'ka" said Solar understand
"By the time we notice it this morning and he manage to find Gempa's radar... I'm sorry for not giving advance notice to you all"
"Huh... it's too late either way, he already manage to fight Boboiboy now... it's only matter of time before-"


Solar words were cut off by sudden scream and make all of them shock hearing it. Halilintar look at the kitchen which the scene is too painful. Retak'ka is holding Boboiboy helplessly. Fang was thrown away near Gopal, Yaya and Ying who's unconscious

"Where is the elementals?" asked Retak'ka while squeezing Boboiboy
"I will... never tell!" shout Boboiboy angrily
"You really have a death wish huh"

Retak'ka squeeze Boboiboy very hard which make him hard to breath. That scene really torturing Halilintar which make him face his first elemental owners

"Okay, I know we're wrong but we can't just stand here and do nothing! Boboiboy is dying there" shout Halilintar angrily

All of them see that Halilintar letting out tears which he doesn't realize himself which means he's very worried and scared. Gempa hold Halilintar shoulder and pat his back although himself also want to jump out there to help his owner

"Then go... seven of you can do it" said Satriantar serious
"But... Boboiboy order us not to" said Thorn scared
"You can disobey him... seven of you can disobey him"
"Hah!? We never disobey our owner's orders..." said Gempa surprised
"Then do you want to lose him?" asked Panglima Pyrapi

The elementals are confused but then Solar take a step forward and look at his brothers

"Guys... let's save him... I don't want to lose him now" said Solar which sound like begging
"But what if we lose like that time and we got suck instead?" asked Thorn scared
"Wait I have an idea... " said Gempa serious

With that Gempa tell all six of them about his plan. All first elemental owners look at seven of them proudly before they shut the hologram off




In the kitchen

"This is the last time Boboiboy, where are they?!" shout Retak'ka demanding answer

Boboiboy is hurt a lot due to Retak'ka attacks and squeezing. His friends want to fight him so bad but Retak'ka already warn them if they got closer then Boboiboy will pay the price

"Where are they?!"
"I'm.... not...telling..."

"Hmph! You need more then, Tembakan-"

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