Business Again

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The next day,

Boboiboy wake up heavily and greeted by Ochobot looking at him

"You really wake up late" said Ochobot
"Hah? What time is it?" asked Boboiboy while rubbing his eyes
"It's 10 AM now... not only you, even your elementals are still sleeping"

Boboiboy look at the others which to be still asleep, even Gempa is still sleeping. His eyes then look to Halilintar's bed which there's Halilintar and Thorn sleeping together which make him smile seeing it

"Did I miss anything?" asked Ochobot
"A lot Ochobot, you miss a lot"

Suddenly the door opens wide which shows Gopal and Fang

"Boboiboy!" shout Gopal

Boboiboy surprised hear Gopal but he reacted and changed to Petir to teleport beside Gopal while shutting his mouth. He then shove both of them outside with him and Ochobot followed

"Dey! What's wrong?"
"SSHH! My elementals are still sleeping okay, do you want Halilintar to electrocute you?!" said Petir
"Owh... hehehe "

"It's almost noon... I'm not surprised by you and the others, but I'm surprised that Gempa and Halilintar is stilll asleep"
"Aih? Why makes you think like that?" asked Petir
"Gempa and Halilintar are your most diligent elementals, so they got your good trait which is different than you"
"Halilintar is from his anger..." said Gopal
"Well that's evil but still he only angry for good like Boboiboy do since he rarely angry to us"

"Hahaha... what about we continue it at your room Gopal? I don't want to interrupted them" said Boboiboy who already changed back to normal

Moments later, Boboiboy are in Gopal's room with Fang playing together, he ask Ochobot to stay in the room so he can tell them if they're looking for him. Gopal are in crazy mode playing Papa Zola game while Boboiboy and Fang are sitting on his bed looking absurd to their friend

"Heyah! Heyah!"

"Aish Gopal..." said Fang rotate his eyes
"Hehehe terbaikk"

"So what happen?" asked Fang to Boboiboy
"If those elementals sleep late then that means all of you sleep late. There must be a reason for doing that right?"
"Sorry Fang but it's personal for me and them"
"No worries, it's about our feelings that's all. It's not really important for you guys"
"Well if you says so"


Boboiboy laughing at his friend who's playing while Fang looking at Boboiboy seriously. He can't get his hunch out of his elementals. Boboiboy notice that Fang is staring at him which make him sigh and look at him serious

"Fang, are you still having it?" asked Boboiboy
"Yeah... I just can't get it out... ever since Halilintar told us about waiting for you to get back to the watch on the other day"
"Well you even told Commander about it"
"He told you huh"
"Hey, I guaranteed that they will not do anything evil Fang... they're from me after all"
"Yeah... I hope.."

"YES!" shout Gopal crazy
"Huh?" said both Boboiboy and Fang looking at their friend surprised
"Ehehehe sorry sorry, just won the game"

Fang got angry while Boboiboy only rotate his eyes. They can't helped since Gopal are their friend. After that, he take some snacks and sit on the floor. They talked about their missions yesterday and some funny moments

"HAHAHAHAHA" laugh Boboiboy hysterically
"You should see Fang's face when that tree monster getting to us like that time when we delivered laundry for Laksamana Tarung HAHAHAHA"
"Ha-ha very funny..."
"Ahhh mann it's too funny to remember"

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