3. Moving on

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Just as you imagined, it was hard but we had to move on and so we did. I learnt to drive after I clocked sixteen so driving myself and Jaycinel to school was no big deal.

Every morning, I had to wake up at five and turn on the heater then prepare breakfast. Then I would wake Jayci up to prepare for school. First, we say a little prayer then brush our teeth and take our bath. I serve breakfast at 30 minutes past 6am after I must have cleaned our room.

After eating, we pick up the stuffs we need for school through out the day if we didn't do so the last night then we'll wait till it's seven. Once it's 7, I drive Jaycinel to her kindergarten then I drive to mine. I always make sure I stock jaycinel's lunch pack with snacks. It's true, one cannot totally forget their mom but I didn't want my little sister to feel very bad about her absence so I try to show her as lot of love and care as I could.

It's been two weeks and still counting... Since she left.

After fifteen minutes, I got to school and I rushed to my first class, just as you guessed, I didn't have friends simply because I'm black. I sat quietly at my locker and waited for the AP biology teacher. This was my last year in highschool and I had just three months to round up. When I was in sophomore year, I had one friend and surprisingly he was a boy. His name was Jade Peterson. Jade was one shy kid while we were sophomore students. He wore big polos and baggy Jean trousers. He wore a black rimmed eyeglass and he was called a nerd. Boys that were his mate always laughed at him and teased him and he felt so bad always and he had no friends just like me until one day, he was being bullied and I was watching.

After the bullies left, I walked up to him and comforted him because I had nothing else to do, I was also a victim of bully. After that day, jade and I became friends. Unfortunately,  Jade stopped coming to school for long and I tried to call him most times but it didn't connect. I later heard that jade moved school. It was unexpected but his parents had to relocate because of some unknown situation. I missed Jade secretly and it still hurts that we didn't get to say our final goodbyes. Maybe not final....

When it was lunch time, I stood in the line to get some snacks in the cafeteria. I wasn't really hungry but I felt it was mandatory to eat something. I was listening to 'No tears left' by Ariana grande with my earphones while waiting for my turn when two girls came to stand in my front.

"Hey, I got here first." I told them.

They probably didn't hear me or they pretended not to. They tried to force themselves in my front.

"Hey, stop..." I said and moved aside. I was assuming like normal humans that they were, they are gonna stand in the line and let me stand behind them in peace. Yup, I was willing to trade my place for peace sake.

But unfortunately no, they weren't normal, they were psycho number 2 and psycho number 3. The taller girl faced me and flinged my earphones off. Before I could say a word, she dragged my iPhone from my hand...

"What the hell.. why would you... " She cut me off.

"Mhmm, Ariana." She said and laughed a little. "Aren't you supposed to be listening to trap or something? Lizzy, what is it that these black folks listen to?" She turned to her friend who just shrugged. "You are a black girl, why would you listen to a song by a white artiste?" She asked finally.

Holy flying lemurs..

Did someone just say that to me?

As 'not so funny' as it was, almost everyone on the line burst into laughter.


I do not take dissing so well but like I told you I'm not a very bold kid so I just dragged my phone from the motherfucking idiot and left the cafeteria in tears. Don't I have the right to listen to whatever I want?

I just rounded up my last class so I drove to Jaycinel's school to pick her up.

I couldn't find Jaycinel in her class so I asked her class teacher. She said they have been dismissed so my sister wasn't under her care anymore. Only few kids were in school and most of them I asked didn't know Jaycinel. I continued my search for Jaycinel. The tears I shed could have filled an ocean, I thought my sister had gotten lost.  I was so scared I found Jayci alone in the school garden.

"Jayci." I called. I wanted to yell at her but she looked up and she was crying.

"What's wrong??" I asked her.

She kept quiet. I picked her up and wiped her tears. I thought she was crying because I didn't pick her up early.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll come earlier tommorow, okay?"

She shaked her head.

"Then what's wrong?" I carried her to the car when she didn't give any reply.
She might open up some other time, I concluded.
I finally breath. What do you think about this? I hope you like this? Please do share, vote, comment and follow profile. It just began and it's harder to write.

- Princess.

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