🌻26. I found it, guys!!

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"Dase, some of us are hungry. Please, we really need to take a break right now." Aaliyah says for the umpteenth time. She bends placing her both hands on both kneels, sweat drooling down her forehead. I wave my hands in the air, signifying a break. Everyone sighed in relief.

It's been two straight weeks of knife throwing, gun practice, fist fighting and shit. Since our informant, Emily, did not tell us where to attack, it has been training all along. I've been trying so hard to get the location of the kids but all my efforts has been futile because, the security access code is damn strong and it's almost six years since I had anything to do with hacking. I've tried different styles but all to no avail.

"Hey Dase, your phone is ringing." Gwen said tapping me on my shoulder softly. I smiled as I collected the phone from her. Dase is the new nickname I got from the girls. They said Izzy sounds like the name of a kitten and if it should even be a nickname of someone, it should be short form of Isabella but Jade didn't agree with them after all.

I checked the caller ID, it was Emily. I chose to ignore it. She's been blowing my phone up for a while and I've been ignoring it though Jade has been covering it up with 'She's busy right now' and shit. For Christ sake, I feel like she betrayed us because I trusted her so much. She was becoming my female best friend and I was happy because I've never had one. I felt really broken that she was selling us out but somehow I still don't know why no body attacked us while going to Cammeral site. I know I feel bad but I still don't want her to think it's because of our little beef that day that's why I'm ignoring her. The phone screen went off and then it started ringing again. On a second thought, I decided to pick up.

"Emily." I started.

"Hey Daisy, I'm really really happy you decided to pick up now. You've been ignoring me but I already said I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry Daisy. I didn't mean to insult your accent that day, please forgive me. And, I'm sorry again that I haven't been able to come. You know it's June and I've been processing my admission to Standford. I'll make it up to you guys. Look, I can.... Wait, are you there, Daisy?"

"You can do what?"

"C-can I come over?" She stammered.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind but..."

"Really? You wouldn't mind. Wow!" She succeeded in interrupting me with her squealing.

"I wouldn't mind but, there are some people here that can't stand whites and besides, a room like ours is too small for nine teenagers." I blurt out.

"Oh." She says plainly, then she hanged up.

Was I that rude?

Okay Daisy, way to go now. How much did I screw up? I was just being paranoid. No body would have hurt her although Andrea or Lacy could have lost their temper on something she would have said but we can control that right? Why I'm I so quick to judge her, what did I hear 'Right now, they're heading to caramel site to get the black kids with no weapons. Hopefully it works, they'd also...' How does that mean she's a spy?

"Daisy, are you okay?" Gwen called.

"Oh yeah, Gwenevieve, I'm fine." I assured her. "Where are the rest of them?"

"Aaliyah and Andrew went towards the lake while Andrea, Kelvin and Lacy are under that tree," she points to a tree then continues "Jade said he's going to sleep."

"Very much expected." I laughed.

"So I wanted to ask..." She paused.

"Ask what?"

"Do you have time to talk?"

"Uhm.." I raised my eyebrows in expectancy.

"Can we talk?"

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