🌻34. Spy again?

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"I spent four days with Tessa, even her, no longer pees on herself." I said in between laughs.

I don't know why Jade and President Grey didn't find it amusing that a grown ass man like Governor Brian peed on himself.

President Grey cleared his throat, "He should clean up while I have a word with you. I'd call back in five minutes." He said.

"Moses." I called but he didn't hear me. Jade walked up to the bed and rang the alarm and Moses walked in with another guard.

"Please Help Governor Brian clean up." I said to the other guard. "Moses, I don't think it's nice to stay in the same room with a dead person for almost two hours, can someone please take care of that?" I asked pointing to the dead man. "And please, I need a quiet room to talk to President Grey. After Governor Brian cleans up, he should join me there." I said lastly as I stared at Governor Brian. He looked away quickly because he was ashamed. For heaven's sake, our Governor just peed on himself!!!

Moses led me out of the room while Jade and the other man cleared up the Governor's room. Moses helped me settle comfortably in another well designed and fascinating room. Before he left, he showed me the alarm button of that room. is that useful? In a matter of minutes, I received the call from president Grey.

"You can be charged for possession of weapons, you know. You're underage and you aren't a member of the arm force." President Grey said without pleasantries.

"I wouldn't mind being charged for those crimes as far as Governor Brian is charged for kidnapping, forgery, Money laundering, frauding and corruption too." I said.

"What?" President Grey spat out.

"I really don't have to tell you anything until Governor Brian is here. He has the right to deny these things but let's see if he will." I said.

"Who are you?" President Grey asked with a stern voice.

"Your Excellency, I am Yours truly, Daisy Anderson." I said.

"I was going to press charges on him for somethings anyway." President Grey said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Before he had the chance to answer, Jade and the other man, brought Governor Brian into the room. He was dressed in fresh casual clothes.

"A nice outfit to die in." I sang out.

"This bastard tried to run." The man said.

"What did you score in Gymnastics, an F?" I asked. "The keyword there is tried anyway. You can't outsmart us." I added.

President Grey cleared his throat to remind me he was still there. He tends to do that often.

"He's here now so we can talk." I told him.

"I'd love to ask him some questions." President Grey said.

I let him take my position.

"Please president Grey, Beg them. Plea.." Governor Brian started.

"Good day to you too, Governor Brian. How do you do?" President Grey asked.

"I'm not fine, Please." Governor Brian sang through his gritted teeth. This only reminded me of where my gun should face. His head, of course.

"They won't harm you, I promise you that. Only if you give me reasonable answers to my questions." He assured him. "Miss Anderson, please put your gun down, he's still the governor. Please, give him that respect for these few hours before he is impeached."

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